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Stream Processor

Details of how to provide advanced configuration for the Stream Processor.


The Stream Processor deploys a coordinator process that acts as a job manager as part of the base Insights install. Configuration properties for the coordinator can be provided as part of the Insights install values file.

  betaFeatures: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    minReplicas: 1
    maxReplicas: 3
  affinity: hard

All configuration options

The following options are available when configuring the coordinator service when deploying with Helm. All values must be nested under a kxi-sp section.

option default description
image.repository The URL of the image repository for the coordinator image.
image.component kxi-sp-coordinator The name of the coordinator image.
image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent The Kubernetes image pull policy for this image.
ctlImage.repository The URL of the image repository for the default controller image.
ctlImage.component kxi-sp-controller The name of the controller image.
ctlImage.pullPolicy IfNotPresent The Kubernetes image pull policy for this image.
workImage.repository The URL of the image repository for the default worker image.
workImage.component kxi-sp-worker The name of the worker image.
workImage.pullPolicy IfNotPresent The Kubernetes image pull policy for this image.
mlImage.repository The URL of the image repository for the default machine learning worker image.
mlImage.component kxi-ml The name of the machine learning worker image.
mlImage.pullPolicy IfNotPresent The Kubernetes image pull policy for this image.
pyImage.repository The URL of the image repository for the default Python worker image.
pyImage.component kxi-sp-python The name of the Python worker image.
pyImage.pullPolicy IfNotPresent The Kubernetes image pull policy for this image.
imagePullSecrets [] Arrays of name of secrets with image pull permissions.
env {} Additional environment variables to add to the coordinator.
debug false Enables interactivity for the coordinator.
port 5000 The port that the coordinator will bind to and serve its REST interface from.
instanceParam { "g": 1, "t": 1000 } Command line parameters to pass to the coordinator. See command line parameters for details.
defaultWorkerThreads 0 Default secondary threads for new pipeline submissions.
betaFeatures false Enables optional beta features in a preview mode. Beta features are not intended to be used in production and are subject to change.
auth.enabled true Indicates if authentication should be enabled for the coordinator's REST interface.
persistence.enabled true Whether persistent volumes are enabled on pipelines. Note: checkpointing for recovery requires this be enabled
persistence.storageClassName null Pre-configured storage class name to be used for persistent volumes (if not specified will use the Kubernetes cluster's default storage class)
persistence.controllerCheckpointFreq 5000 Frequency of Controller checkpoints
persistence.workerCheckpointFreq 5000 Frequency of Worker checkpoints 20Gi Persistent volume storage size
autoscaling.enabled false Indicates if the coordinator should automatically scale based on load.
autoscaling.minReplicas 1 The minimum number of coordinator replicas that should be running.
autoscaling.maxReplicas 1 The maximum number of coordinator replicas that should be running.
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage 80 The maximum amount of CPU a replica should consume before triggering a scale up event.
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage The maximum amount of memory a replica should consume before triggering a scale up event.
replicaCount 1 If autoscaling is enabled, this is the baseline number of replicas that should be deployed.
affinity hard One of hard, soft, hard-az or soft-az. Hard affinity requires all replicas to be on different nodes. Soft prefers different nodes but does not require it. The az suffix indicates the node allocation must be across different availability zones.