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This section we will show you how to configure the application observability; logging and metrics.

Configure logging

You can configure the log level of your application at installation time using the values below. kdb Insights Enterprise uses log components as a way to identify the origin of a log message. The routings object allows you to set the log level for different components with DEFAULT applying to anything that's not set explicitly.

      InfoService: DEBUG

The example above sets all components to INFO with the exception of the InfoService component, which is set to DEBUG.

Configure metrics

kdb Insights Enterprise generates metrics to allow you to quickly identify the system performance and potential issues. This allows you to monitor data flows, component errors, and a variety of other metrics.


kdb Insights Enterprise metrics are disabled by default since the application does not deploy with the Prometheus stack. You can enable metrics using the install values below.

    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      interval: 30s
        release: kx-prom

Set global.metrics.enabled to true to enable metrics. There are two methods of enabling Prometheus scraping;

  • Prometheus ServiceMonitors
  • pod annotations


The global.metrics.serviceMonitor object configures the use of Prometheus ServiceMonitor object within the application. With this mode enabled, the application will create a set of ServiceMonitor resources which Prometheus uses to scrape metrics.

Variable Type Example Default
global.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool true false
global.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval int 30s 10s
global.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels.release string kx-prom ""
  • enabled - enables the ServiceMonitor mode
  • interval - metrics polling interval
  • additionalLabels.release - this is a label to match your Prometheus deployment name.

Deploying Prometheus

Pod annotations

The other method of enabling metrics is to use pod annotations instead of using ServiceMonitors. This is useful in situations where the Prometheus operator cannot be used, or another approach is preferred.

The values file below shows the required configuration.

    enabled: true
    useAnnotations: true
      enabled: false

Setting global.metrics.useAnnotations to true will add Prometheus annotations to the application pods. These annotations will be prefixed with