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Static linter for q (.qlint)


QLint is a static q/kdb code analysis tool. The software checks a wide variety of standard q rules, and provides the capability for users to configure and add rules for their code.

Basic usage

.qlint.lintFile "myFile.q"


The linter tests code for violations of one or more rules. The output of the linter is a table reporting broken rules, the code that violated the rule, the location in the code, and any additional error messages. QLint provides a number of default rules that cover a wide variety of potentially erroneous code. These rules are found in the table .qlint.rules.defaultRules and are summarized below.

Linter output

The output from the linter is a table of broken rules. The columns of the table are described below.

column type description
label symbol The label is the name of the rule
errorClass symbol The errorClass is the high level group that the error falls into and is one of either error, warning, or info
description string A high level description of the rule. This is set in the rules table used for linting
problemText string The text that was flagged as problematic
errorMessage string A more specific error message pertaining to the specific rule broken
startLine long The starting line where the problematic code was observed (1-indexed)
startCol long The starting column where the problematic code was observed (1-indexed)
endLine long The ending line where the problematic code was observed (1-indexed)
endCol long The ending column where the problematic code was observed (1-indexed)

The label is the name of the rule. It is a single word containing only uppercase letters and underscores. This name defines the rule in the rule table. The errorClass is the high-level category for the error. The three default categories are: error, warning, and info. The error category reports significant problems with the code that will very likely lead to runtime or compile errors. The warning category reports code that may lead to undesired outcomes, but is not necessarily fatal to the program. The info category indicates problems with the documentation of files. Users can create new rule categories by modifying errorClass column in the rule table provided to the linter. The errorMessage is a more specific description of the broken rule and can provide additional info about the context where the rule is broken.

Running QLint

There are many functions in the .qlint namespace that can be used to lint q code from a q process:


.qlint.lintItem is used to lint code fragments. As such, rules involving the workspace, artifact type, or artifact name are ignored.


/=> label      errorClass description                                                                     problemText errorMessage startLine startCol endLine endCol
/=> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/=> FIXED_SEED warning    "Inputting a positive number into ?0Ng will result in the same seed every run." "5?0Ng"     ""           1         1        1       5


.qlint.lint provides greater control over the linter's runtime parameters and it provides access to a greater variety of file type dependent rules than .qlint.lintItem. However, it cannot be used to run rules that require information about the workspace or artifact name.

The fourth argument to this function is fileType. It represents the type of the file being passed to the linter. Six file types are allowed: file, testfile, data, function, fragment, and module. The fileType affects what linter rules apply to the item and the parsing method.

  • Type file is parsed as a .q file.
  • Type testfile is parsed as a .quke test file.
  • Type module is parsed as a list of symbols used for handling dependencies.
  • The other file types are parsed as q code
.qlint.lint["$[a;a:1;a:2;b:3];a,b";enlist ".";::;`function;""]

/=> label                  errorClass description                                                                           problemText        errorMessage startLine startCol endLine endCol
/=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/=> FUNCTION_START         warning    "Function artifact must start with a function"                                        "$[a;a:1;a:2;b:3]" ""           1         1        1       16
/=> MISSING_OVERVIEW       info       "Missing @fileOverview tag with associated description"                               ""                 ""           1         1        1       1
/=> MISSING_RETURNS        info       "Missing @returns tag"                                                                ""                 ""           1         1        1       1
/=> COND_EVENARGS          error      "Conditional $ should not be used with an even number of arguments"                   "$[a;a:1;a:2;b:3]" ""           1         1        1       16
/=> UNDECLARED_VAR         warning    "Undeclared variable in function will be treated as global"                           ,"a"               ""           1         3        1       3
/=> DECLARED_AFTER_USE     error      "The variable was declared after being used"                                          ,"a"               ""           1         5        1       5
/=> CONDITIONALLY_DECLARED warning    "This variable may be undefined at this point, as it was only declared conditionally" ,"b"               ""           1         20       1       20


.qlint.LintNS will take a list of namespaces and lint all functions in them or any sub-namespaces. If it is given an empty list of namespaces, it will search all namespaces. Namespaces are identified as any dictionary with the null symbol as the first key, with a corresponding value of generic null ("(::)"). This may pick up things that are not considered namespaces.

This function will not lint for any of the info linter rules, since those only apply to documentation. It will return a table of messages similar to the table returned by lintItem.

ruleTable: select from .qlint.rules.defaultRules where label in `UNUSED_PARAM`FIXED_SEED; : {[x;y] :x+1};
.foo.blort : {:10?0ng};

/=> qualifiedName objType label        errorClass description                                                                    problemText errorMessage startLine startCol endLine endCol
/=> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/=>      function     UNUSED_PARAM warning    "This param was declared then never used"                                      ,"y"        ""           1         5        1       5
/=> .foo.blort    function     FIXED_SEED   warning    "Inputting a positive number into ?0Ng will result in the same seed every run" "10?0ng"    ""           1         3        1       8


.qlint.lintFile will read and lint a file with the .q or .quke extension. The function takes a symbol or string as an argument, and works on absolute and relative paths.

.qlint.lintFile "foo/bar.q"


.qlint.lintFolder will take a folder name and recursively lint all files with the .q or .quke extension. The function takes a symbol or string as an argument, and works on absolute and relative paths.

.qlint.lintFolder "foo"

Directory level configuration

Within a directory, it is possible to configure rules using files with the name lint.config. These files can be used to activate/deactivate rules, change the rules errorClass, and configure rule parameters.

The config file has a single rule on each line. The syntax is as follows (the regions in square brackets are optional):

rule : active [, errorClass [ruleparams]]

The rule is the name of the rule to configure. These are usually linter rules, described in .qlint.rules.defaultRules. These are rules that the linter tests against. There are also configuration rules, described in .qlint.rules.configRules. Currently there is only one configuration rule, SUPPRESS_ALL, which can be used to deactivate all linter rules.

The active setting turns rules on and off. The optional errorClass can configure the high level category of the rule, in case the user wants to change how the broken linter rules are interpreted.

The ruleparams are optional settings that can alter the behaviour of individual rules. These are always described in a json object as so:

{ param1 : value1, param2 : value2 }

Only certain parameter types are currently recognized. These are: - long - boolean (true, false) - string list - a string from a list of options

An example is shown below:

{ p1 : 10, p2 : true, p3 : [ "abc", "def" ], p4 : "hij" }

The rule definitions control the valid values for different parameters. p1 would have to be a number withing a certain range, and p4 would be one item from a list of potential options.

See the Rule Summary below for the available rule parameters.

Within an analyst workspace lint.config files can be found in repositories, modules, and folder artifacts. When using .qlint.lintFolder, any lint.config files found in the path will be used to configure linter rules.

The lint.config file affects the behaviour of the linter for any artifacts or files with the same parent, as well as any artifacts in it's parent's descendants. If the parent artifact is a module, it will also affect the linting of its parent module.

A nested lint.config file will inherit rules from an lint.config files in the parents. In the following example, the folder1/folder2/lint.config will inherit he configuration of the FIXED_SEED rule from the folder1/lint.config. As a result, the FIXED_SEED rule will not be run on folder1/folder2/file.q. In addition, the UNUSED_VAR rule will not be run on file.q, since it was deactivated in folder1/folder2/lint.config.

  • folder1
    • lint.config : "FIXED_SEED : false"
    • folder2
      • lint.config : "UNUSED_VAR : false"
      • file.q

A child lint.config file can overwrite a rule in the parent lint.config file by explicitly setting it. In the following directories, FIXED_SEED is used in folder1/folder2/ but not folder1/.

  • folder1
    • lint.config : "FIXED_SEED : false"
    • folder2
      • lint.config : "FIXED_SEED : true"
      • file.q

There is one exception to the above described rule inheritance is that the SUPPRESS_ALL rule is not inherited by child lint.config files. When the SUPPRESS_ALL rule is activated, it will deactivate all other rules (equivalent to setting active to false for all rules) even if the rule is explicitly activated. These deactivated rules will be inherited by any child lint.config files as described above (unless explicitly set by the child lint.config). However, the SUPPRESS_ALL rule is not inherited. This allows the child to use the rule by setting it to active in the child. If the SUPPRESS_ALL rule were inherited, then setting a rule in the child lint.config would not activate it because the suppress_all rule would override that configuration (as it does in directories where SUPPRESS_ALL is set).

File level rule configuration

Within a file, it is possible to ignore specific rules for that file. The tag @qlintsuppress can be used in a comment to indicate which rules should be ignored. Global and local suppression are supported.

To globally suppress rules, use the @qlintsuppress tag followed by a list of rules:


To locally suppress rules, use the @qlintsuppress tag followed by a list of rules including a bracketed number indicating the number of lines to suppress the rule. In the example below, the MISSING_RETURN rule will be ignored for 2 lines after the comment, while the UNUSED_PARAM rule is will be ignored for 5 lines after the comment.

// @qlintsuppress MISSING_RETURN(2) UNUSED_PARAM(5)

Both local and global suppressions can be used together in the same comment.

// @qlintsuppress MISSING_RETURN UNUSED_PARAM(2)

In addition to the @qlintsuppress tag, it is possible to force utilization of certain rules using the @qlintinclude tag even if they are not included in the rule table provided to the linter function. In the below example, the tag will force the linter to include the RANDOM_GUIDS rule when linting the given file even if it was removed from .qlint.rules.defaultRules prior to being supplied to the linter function.

// @qlintinclude RANDOM_GUIDS

Like the @qlintsuppress tag, any number of rules are allowed with the given tag. The only rules that can be forced to be included are those in the default rule table.

In addition to the above rule suppression and inclusion, it is possible to configure linter rules using the same syntax found in lint.config files. To do so, simply preface the lint.config syntax with the comment tag @qlintrule, as shown below:

// @qlintrule UNDECLARED_VAR : true, warning { globals : [ "abc", "def" ] }

Like a lint.config file, it is possible to activate/deactivate rules, set the errorClass and configure any rule parameters. Such configuration only affects the file being analyzed.


Examples runs of the linter are presented below.

Function example

Consider the function .qlint.test1:

// @fileOverview function
// @param x {int[}

If .qlint.test1 were linted, the output would be:

Linting 1 of 1 artifact failed:

error : 1
      Description : Conditional $ should not be used with an even number of arguments
         (4:4) Problem Text: "$[1;2;5;6]"
warning : 1
      Description : This param was declared then never used
         (3:2) Problem Text: "x"
info : 2
      Description : Missing @returns tag
         (1:0) Problem Text: ""
      Description : Invalid type in tag
         (2:12) Problem Text: "int["
                Error Message: "Expected end of input, but found "[""

Clicking on the line with the problem text will open the failing file at the location where the problem text was found.

Suppression example

If .qlint.test1 is modified to include a @qlintsuppress tag, this could be the file:

// @fileOverview function
// @param x {int[}
    $[1;2;5;6]; //@qlintsuppress COND_EVENARGS(0)

If .qlint.test1 were linted, the output would be:

Linting 1 of 1 artifact failed:

error : 1
      Description : Conditional $ should not be used with an even number of arguments
         (6:4) Problem Text: "$[3;4;7;8]"
warning : 1
      Description : This param was declared then never used
         (4:2) Problem Text: "x"

In this example, the QDOC_TYPE and MISSING_RETURN info rules have been ignored due to a global suppression. Furthermore, there is a local suppression of the DOLLARIF_EVENARGS rule. The incorrect conditional on line 5 is ignored, but the one on line 6 is not, since this rule was only suppressed locally.

Q file example

Consider the following file, .qlint/any.q:

abc:1 2 3
def: 1 2 3

select a,'b from t
 where 1b, 0b

The output of linting this file would be:

Linting 1 of 1 artifact failed:

error : 1
      Description : The variable was declared after being used
         (1:0) Problem Text: "abc"
warning : 3
      Description : Undeclared variable in function will be treated as global
         (2:1)  Problem Text: "abc"
         (6:17) Problem Text: "t"
      Description : A potential join in this QSQL statement will be interpreted as separate statements unless wrapped in parentheses
         (6:0) Problem Text: "select a,'b from t
                               where 1b, 0b"

Note that this file does not violate the RESERVED_NAME rule even though the name of the file is "any". This is because this is a file, not a function or data artifact. Note also that only the "abc" variable is identified as being declared after use. This is because in .q files, when loaded with \l, any non-whitespace character at the start of a line is treated as a statement delimiter.

Quke file example

Consider the following quke file, .qlint/test.quke:

            til 1

The output of linting this file would be:

Linting 1 of 1 artifact failed:

error : 4
       Description : A quke file was improperly formatted
          (1:0)  Problem Text: "feature"
                 Error Message: "incorrect token in feature block"
          (2:8)  Problem Text: "expect"
                 Error Message: "expect statement in feature block is in improper location"
          (3:12) Problem Text: "1b"
                 Error Message: "function statement in feature block is in improper location"
          (7:8)  Problem Text: "timelimit"
                 Error Message: "only single number allowed in timelimit"

Rule summary

label error class description rule params
ASSIGN_RESERVED_WORD error Assignment to a reserved word
COND_EVENARGS error Conditional $ should not be used with an even number of arguments
DECLARED_AFTER_USE error The variable was declared after being used
GLOBAL_PEACH error Modifying globals inside a peach statement is not allowed
INVALID_ADVERB error A binary adverb cannot be applied to a unary function
INVALID_ASSIGN error Attempt to assign to a string, symbol, or number
INVALID_ESCAPE error Invalid Escape Sequence: Valid escape sequences are: \n,\r,\t,/,\,\/ and three digit octal sequences \377 or smaller
INVALID_QUKE error A quke file was improperly formatted
OVERWRITE_ARTIFACT error Variable assignment overwrites namespace or artifact
STATEMENT_IN_EXPR error If, while, or do statement used in expression, possible missing semicolon
RESERVED_NAME error File has reserved name
TOO_MANY_CONSTANTS error Too many constants in a function kdb_ver : The function limits depend on the kdb version. Must be one of "process", "kdb3.4", "kdb3.5", "kdb3.6". Defaults to the version running the process
TOO_MANY_GLOBALS error Too many globals in a function kdb_ver : The function limits depend on the kdb version. Must be one of "process", "kdb3.4", "kdb3.5", "kdb3.6". Defaults to the version running the process
TOO_MANY_LOCALS error Too many locals in a function kdb_ver : The function limits depend on the kdb version. Must be one of "process", "kdb3.4", "kdb3.5", "kdb3.6". Defaults to the version running the process
UNINDENTED_CODE error Any multiline expression must be indented after the first line
BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY warning This function has backward compatibility issues with kdb versions less than 3.6 kdb_ver : The function limits depend on the kdb version. Must be one of "process", "kdb3.4", "kdb3.5", "kdb3.6". Defaults to the version running the process
CAST_TYPE_NUMERICAL warning Casting using a short to indicate cast type is unnecessarily unclear. Another form is advised
CONDITIONALLY_DECLARED warning This variable may be undefined at this point, as it was only declared conditionally
DEBUG_FUNCTION warning eval, or value when run on a string literal
DEPRECATED_DATETIME warning Datetime has been deprecated
DEPRECATED_FUNCTION warning This file uses a deprecated function
EMPTY_IF warning If statement lacks code to execute
FIXED_SEED warning Inputting a positive number into ?0Ng will result in the same sequence every run
FUNCTION_START warning Function artifact must start with a function
INSUFFICIENT_INDENT warning Indentation must be equal to or greater than the second line of the function body, and the second line must have an indentation greater than the first line tab_size : Specifies the number of spaces equivalent to a tab character
INTERNAL warning Reference to an internal api of another module
INVALID_FUNCTION warning Function artifacts must be lambda definitions, rather than projections, immediately invoked functions, or functions in expressions
MALFORMED_SUPPRESSION warning Malformed @qlintsuppress tag
MISSING_DEPENDENCY warning Any reference to another namespace should be listed in the dependency list globals : A list of global dependencies known to the workspace
NAME_COLLISION warning Executing statement in editor could overwrite global variable
NEED_EXPLICIT_RETURN warning Explicit return needed. Otherwise will return generic null
POSSIBLE_RETURN warning Assignment statement looks like return
UNDECLARED_VAR warning Undeclared variable in function will be treated as global globals : A list of global variables in the file that should not be marked as UNDECLARED_VAR
presearch_globals : Determines if the linter searches the file for any global variables defined in the file when determining undeclared variables. If this parameter is true, then variables in functions that match global variables defined anywhere in the file are not marked as an UNDECLARED_VAR. Otherwise global variables must be declared prior to the use of the variable, or the variable will be marked as an UNDECLARED_VAR
UNUSED_INTERNAL warning This function is marked as internal (is part of a sub-namespace i) but was never used within the namespace
UNUSED_PARAM warning This param was declared then never used ignore : A list of unused function parameters to not raise warnings for in this file. This applies to all functions in the file
UNUSED_VAR warning This variable was declared then never used
RANDOM_GUIDS warning Multiple calls to ?0ng in quick succession, with negative numbers, can produce the same output
UNREACHABLE_CODE warning A preceding return prevents this statement from being reached
UNEXPECTED_COND_NEWLINE warning Condition should begin on same line as loop or if statement
UNPARENTHESIZED_JOIN warning A potential join in this QSQL statement will be interpreted as separate statements unless wrapped in parentheses
VAR_Q_ERROR warning Variable name the same as q error message. This can cause ambiguous error messages
MISSING_SEMICOLON warning An apply statement spans multiple lines with the same indentation and an assignment on the second line, potentially indicating a missing semi-colon
MALFORMED_RULE warning Malformed @qlintrule tag
TODO warning Todo qDoc tag present
LINE_LENGTH warning Maximum line length exceeded max_length : Maximum line length, must be greater than 1
DEFAULT_QDOC info The file has the default documentation
INVALID_KIND info Invalid qdoc kind in tag
INVALID_TYPEDEF info Invalid typedef tag
INVALID_TAG info Tag not recognized as valid qDoc tag
MISSING_OVERVIEW info Missing @fileOverview tag with associated description
MISSING_RETURNS info Missing @returns tag
MISSING_TYPE info Missing type in returns or param tag
MULTIPLE_RETURNS info Multiple @returns tags
OUT_OF_ORDER_PARAM info Parameters out of order
PARAM_NOT_IN_CODE info This param is not in the function
QDOC_TYPE info Invalid type in tag
REDUNDANT_GLOBAL_ASSIGN info Using the global amend operator on a fully qualified name is redundant
UNDOCUMENTED_PARAM info Undocumented parameter
UNUSED_DEPENDENCY info Unused dependencies


Lints an entire segment of q code and reports any issues.

This function provides access to a greater variety of rules than .qlint.lintItem such as those that only run on files. It cannot be used to run rules relating to the workspace or requiring the artifact name.


Name Type Description
code string The code to be linted.
context string The context in which the variable is defined.
ruleTable .qlint.ty.ruleTable | null A table of rules. Generic null (::) uses the default rule table.
fileType symbol The type of file to be run on. Can be any of `file`testfile`data`function`fragment. This is not necessarily the same as objType in a workspace.
dependencyList string A list of symbols indicating the contexts that are referenced.


Type Description
.qlint.ty.linterResults A table of linter results with one row for each message.

Example: Lint a function artifact

 .qlint.lint["$[a;a:1;a:2;b:3];a,b";enlist ".";::;`function;""]

 /=> label                  errorClass description                                                                           problemText        errorMessage startLine startCol endLine endCol
 /=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=> FUNCTION_START         warning    "Function artifact must start with a function"                                        "$[a;a:1;a:2;b:3]" ""           1         1        1       16    
 /=> MISSING_OVERVIEW       info       "Missing @fileOverview tag with associated description"                               ""                 `            1         1        1       1    
 /=> MISSING_RETURNS        info       "Missing @returns tag"                                                                ""                 ""           1         1        1       1     
 /=> COND_EVENARGS          error      "Conditional $ should not be used with an even number of arguments"                   "$[a;a:1;a:2;b:3]" ""           1         1        1       16    
 /=> UNDECLARED_VAR         warning    "Undeclared variable in function will be treated as global"                           ,"a"               ""           1         3        1       3    
 /=> DECLARED_AFTER_USE     error      "The variable was declared after being used"                                          ,"a"               ""           1         5        1       5     
 /=> CONDITIONALLY_DECLARED warning    "This variable may be undefined at this point, as it was only declared conditionally" ,"b"               ""           1         20       1       20   


Lints a .q or .quke file and reports any issues.


Name Type Description
path string | symbol The file path


Type Description
.qlint.ty.fileResults A table of linter results with one row for each message.

Example: Lint a file

 .qlint.lintFile `file.q


Lints all .q or .quke files in a folder and reports any issues.


Name Type Description
path string | symbol | null The folder path or null. Null is replaced with the '.' namespace


Type Description
.qlint.ty.fileResults A table of linter results with one row for each message.

Example: Lint a folder

 .qlint.lintFolder `folder


Lints a sample of q code and reports any issues.

Since this function is linting on a code fragment, rules involving variable tracking, file context references, and namespace dependency are ignored. It will also not test rules that require information on the workspace or artifact name. The fileType is `fragment.


Name Type Description
code string Code to be linted.
ruleTable .qlint.ty.ruleTable | null A table of rules. Generic null (::) uses the default rule table.


Type Description
.qlint.ty.linterResults A table of linter results with one row for each message.

Example: Lint a q string


 /=> label      errorClass description                                                                     problemText errorMessage startLine startCol endLine endCol
 /=> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=> FIXED_SEED warning    "Inputting a positive number into ?0Ng will result in the same seed every run." "5?0Ng"     ""           1         1        1       5     


Lints one or more namespaces.

Namespaces are determined as any dictionary containing the key-value pair (`; ::). This may pick up things that are not considered namespaces. If namespaces is null, it will search all namespaces.

If an empty list is passed as a rule table, then the default rules will be used. Any rules checking for dependency will be ignored. Wrong dependencies are IDE-specific and cannot be determined by examining the namespace. In addition, it will not lint for any of the info linter rules, since those only apply to documentation. It returns a table of messages similar to the table returned by lintItem.


Name Type Description
namespaces symbol[] | symbol | null The names of the namespaces you want to lint. If you enter in null it will lint all namespaces excluding single letter namespaces.
ruleTable .qlint.ty.ruleTable | null A table of rules or (::) to indicate a default list should be used


Type Description
.qlint.ty.linterResults A table of linter results with one row for each message.


 ruleTable: select from .qlint.rules.defaultRules where label in `UNUSED_PARAM`FIXED_SEED; : {[x;y] :x+1};
 .foo.blort : {:10?0ng};

 /=> qualifiedName objType label        errorClass description                                                                    problemText errorMessage startLine startCol endLine endCol
 /=> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=>      function     UNUSED_PARAM warning    "This param was declared then never used"                                      ,"y"        ""           1         5        1       5
 /=> .foo.blort    function     FIXED_SEED   warning    "Inputting a positive number into ?0Ng will result in the same seed every run" "10?0ng"    ""           1         3        1       8


Lint the artifacts in a table (not a workspace, despite the name)


Name Type Description
artifacts .qlint.ty.workspace The artifacts to be linted


Type Description
.qlint.ty.linterResults A table of linter results with one row for each message.


The schema for the linter results