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Axes and legends in the Grammar of Graphics can be customized using scales.

A scale is always paired with aesthetic mappings set within .qp.s.aes. If an explicit scale is not provided by .qp.s.scale for a given aesthetic, a default scale is chosen.


First, a basic plot with default scales chosen for x, y, and fill.

    .qp.point[([]x: .st.gen.normal 1000; y: .st.gen.normal 1000; z: 1000?`a`b`c); `x; `y]
        .qp.s.aes[`fill; `z]

Next, the x and y scale can be changed to model a different distribution. The default scale for numeric data is .gg.scale.linear.

    .qp.point[([]x: .st.gen.normal 1000; y: .st.gen.normal 1000; z: 1000?`a`b`c); `x; `y]
        .qp.s.aes[`fill; `z] ,
        .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.log] ,
        .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.power 2]

The fill scale can be changed to use any preferred colours. The default scale for categorical fill columns is .gg.colour.cat10 which is 10 visually distinct colours. Here, we continue to use a categorical colour scale, but change the colour mapping to use a Colour Brewer 3-value palette from Set1.

    .qp.point[([]x: .st.gen.normal 1000; y: .st.gen.normal 1000; z: 1000?`a`b`c); `x; `y]
        .qp.s.aes[`fill; `z] ,
        .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.log] ,
        .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.power 2] ,
        .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.colour.brewer[`Set1;3]]

There are plenty of settings that can be set on scales themselves. Each of these settings are functions that take scales as arguments and return the modified scales as results. The below image is a fairly uninformative plot, but serves to illustrate some of the settings available.

    .qp.point[([]x: .st.gen.normal 1000; y: 1000; z: 1000?`a`b`c); `x; `y]
        .qp.s.aes[`fill; `z] ,
        .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.colour.brewer[`Set1;3]] ,
            // set the breaks (ticks) on the x axis
            .gg.scale.breaks[0.01 0.5 1 2] 
            // on a log x axis
            .gg.scale.log] ,
            // format the breaks to include a "$"
            .gg.scale.format[{"$",string x}] 
            // set the breaks for the y axis
            .gg.scale.breaks[48 50 52] 
            // set the max and min value of the y axis
            .gg.scale.limits[45 55] 
            // on a power2 y axis
            .gg.scale.power 2]


Return an alpha (opacity) scale between the min and max alpha arguments. Note - alpha scales can only map numeric variables. An error will be thrown if a categorical variable is given.


Name Type Description
minAlpha long between 0 and 255
maxAlpha long between 0 and 255


Type Description
dict scale

Example: A scale from 50 to 255 (max) opacity



Apply a scale to a vector of data


Name Type Description
s dict scale
v any[] data


Type Description
any[] scaled data

See Also: .gg.scale.init


Create a scale for a categorical variable (any data type). If given a numeric variable, the distinct numbers will be treated as independent categories, and will be evenly spaced along the axis. See .gg.scale.linear for a linear numeric scale.

The scale can optionally be initialized with a sorting function. This function can reorder the categories so they display in any given order. By default, the categories are sorted ascending. For default sorting behaviour, provide no argument: .gg.scale.categorical[].

Note - the sort function is a function from the domain to the ordered domain. Elements can be injected or removed. Whatever is returned from the function will be displayed on the scale. To restrict a specific order to only the visible records, intersect the specific order with the domain as in the last example below. This allows drilldown to maintain the ordering while only displaying visible categories.


Type Description
dict scale

See Also: .gg.scale.linear

Example: Default ascending categorical scale


Example: Descending categorical scale


Example: Specific ordering in categorical scale

 .gg.scale.categorical[{`IF`VVS1`VVS2`VS1`VS2`SI1`SI2`I1 inter x}]

Create a circle area scale, scaling to areas between the given max and min. This scale is a good candidate for coupling with a size aesthetic mapping on a point geometry.


Name Type Description
m long min area
M long max area

See Also: .qp.point .qp.s.aes

Example: Circle area scale[5;50]

Create a circle radius scale, scaling to radii between the given max and min. This scale is a good candidate for coupling with a size aesthetic mapping on a point geometry, however, the points will grow quicker than their underlying value. For a linear growth, see


Name Type Description
m long min area
M long max area

See Also: .qp.point .qp.s.aes

Example: Circle area scale[2;6]

Create a new categorical color scale using the list of colours given. If there are more values in the list than colours given, then the colours will wrap to include all values (note, values will not have unique colors if this is the case).

For example: `green`red // or (.gg.colour.Green; .gg.colour.Red) // or `blues to use a named colour palette

Alternatively, a dictionary of categories to colours can be provided to make the colour mapping explicit. For example, if there are two categories in the domain: `pass`fail, we can assign `pass to green and `fail to red with: `pass`fail!(.gg.colour.Green; .gg.colour.Red)

See .gg.colour.COLOURS for available colours.


Name Type Description
colours byte[][] list of colours (0xrrggbb)


Type Description
dict categorical colour scale

Example: Colour scale with 3 built-in colours (.gg.colour.SteelBlue; .gg.colour.FireBrick; .gg.colour.Green)

Example: Colour scale with 3 built-in colours by symbol `steelblue`firebrick`green

Example: Colour scale with 4 RGB colours (0x336699; 0x669933; 0x993366; 0x558899)

Example: Colour scale with 4 RGB colours and explicit mapping `a`b`c`d!(0x336699; 0x669933; 0x993366; 0x558899)

Example: Colour scale using a best-effort number of red colours from the Reds palette `reds


Create a new 10-valued categorical color scale. If there are more than 10 distinct values in the list, then the colours will wrap to include all values (note, values will not have unique colors if this is the case).


Type Description
dict categorical colour scale

See Also: .gg.scale.colour.cat20

Example: 10-valued categorical colour scale applied to a geometry

 t:([]x:til 10; y:1);[t; `x; `y] (::)
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]
     , .qp.s.geom[enlist[`gap]!enlist 0]



Create a new 20-valued categorical color scale. If there are more than 20 distinct values in the list, then the colours will wrap to include all values (note, values will not have unique colors if this is the case).


Type Description
dict categorical colour scale

See Also: .gg.scale.colour.cat10

Example: 20-valued categorical colour scale applied to a geometry

 t:([]x:til 20; y:1);[t; `x; `y] (::)
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat20]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]
     , .qp.s.geom[enlist[`gap]!enlist 0]



Create a gradient scale between the two given colours. Expects numeric/interval data rather than categorical.

For a categorical color scale, see cat10, cat20, etc.

For a 3-valued gradient scale, see gradient2.


Name Type Description
minFill byte[] colour representing the min value (0xrrggbb)
maxFill byte[] colour representing the max value (0xrrggbb)


Type Description
dict gradient scale


Type Description
"scale+gradient error: x"

See Also: .gg.scale.colour.cat10 .gg.scale.colour.cat20 .gg.scale.colour.gradient2

Example: Gradient scale between two built-in colours

  t:([]x:til 500; y:1);[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient[`steelblue; `firebrick]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]


Example: Gradient scale between two built-in colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient[`black; `white]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear] 


Example: Gradient scale between two RGB colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient[0x336699; 0x993366]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]



Create a gradient scale between the three given colours, with a specified midpoint value. Expects numeric/interval data rather than categorical. For a categorical color scale, see cat10, cat20, etc.


Name Type Description
midpoint any number representing the middle of the gradient (for centering). If null, mid point of data will be used.
minFill byte[] colour representing the min value (0xrrggbb)
middleFill byte[] colour representing the min value (0xrrggbb)
maxFill byte[] colour representing the max value (0xrrggbb)


Type Description
dict gradient scale

See Also: .gg.scale.colour.cat10 .gg.scale.colour.cat20 .gg.scale.colour.gradient

Example: Gradient scale between two built-in colours

  t:([]x:til 500; y:1);[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient2[250; 
              `steelblue; `white; `firebrick]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]


Example: Gradient scale between two built-in colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient2[360; 
              `steelblue; `white; `firebrick]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear] 


Example: Gradient scale between two RGB colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient2[120; 
              0x336699; 0x993366; 0x669933]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]



Create a gradient scale between any number of colours, with a specified midpoint value. Expects numeric/interval data rather than categorical. For a categorical color scale, see cat10, cat20, etc.


Name Type Description
midpoints any | null scale values for each intermediate gradient color between the extremes
fill byte[][] colours representing the gradient step (0xrrggbb)


Type Description
dict gradient scale

See Also: .gg.scale.colour.cat10 .gg.scale.colour.cat20 .gg.scale.colour.gradient .gg.scale.colour.gradient2

Example: Gradient scale between two built-in colours

  t:([]x:til 500; y:1);[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradientN[250; 
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]


Example: Gradient scale between two built-in colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradientN[360; 
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear] 


Example: Gradient scale between two RGB colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradientN[120; 
              (0x336699; 0x993366; 0x669933)]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]


Example: Gradient scale between several RGB colours[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradientN[::; 
            reverse `red`orange`yellow`lightgreen`teal`blue]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]


Example: Rainbow gradient[t; `x; `y]
     .qp.s.aes[`fill; `x]
     , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradientN[::; 
            reverse `red`orange`yellow`green`blue`indigo`violet]]
     , .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 1] .gg.scale.linear]



Compose takes two scales f and g and returns a new scale of the composition f . g


Name Type Description
f dict f scale
g dict g scale


Type Description
dict scale of f . g

Example: A log log scale

 .gg.scale.compose[.gg.scale.log; .gg.scale.log]

Example: A log fill scale

 .gg.scale.compose[.gg.scale.colour.cat10; .gg.scale.log]

Positional scale for date variables


Positional scale for datetime variables


Return a scale for a column based on a tables meta type


Name Type Description
collapse boolean whether compound values should be collapsed (e.g., for a polygon chart)
typec char meta type character


Type Description
dict scale


 .gg.scale.fromMeta "j"


Initialize a scale on provided data


Name Type Description
s dict scale
v any[] data


Type Description
dict initialized scale


Type Description
validation errors


 .gg.scale.init[.gg.scale.linear] til 1000


Create a scale for the strokewidth of a line.


Name Type Description
m long min line size
M long max line size


Type Description
dict line size scale




Positional linear scale for numeric variables


Positional logarithmic scale for numeric variables


Create a Mercator scale. Useful for geo data.


Name Type Description
isLat boolean Whether the applied data is latitude


Type Description
dict a Mercator scale

Example: Longitude scale


Example: Latitude scale



Positional scale for minute variables


Positional scale for month variables


Create a power scale. Each value will be raised to the given power.


Name Type Description
e number exponent for the power


Type Description
dict power scale

Example: A power(2) scale


Example: A square root scale



Positional scale for second variables


Given an X or Y scale, ensure that the other (X or Y) scale has the same range (useful for maps).

Note - Only one of the scales needs to be marked square for this effect.


Name Type Description
sc dict


Type Description

Example: Square longitude scale

 .gg.scale.square .gg.scale.mercator[0b]


Positional scale for time variables


Positional scale for timespan variables


Positional scale for timestamp variables


Positional scale for timestamp/datetime data to be displayed as a categorical weekday value label validate