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Listing and loading Packages.

The kxi.packages.packages module provides all the callable functions used for listing and loading packages.

All functionality within this module is described below.


def list() -> pd.DataFrame

List all packages defined at the path stored under the environment variable KX_PACKAGE_PATH.


pd.DataFrame - Table detailing the name and version of all packages defined under KX_PACKAGE_PATH.


List the names and versions of the packages defined under KX_PACKAGE_PATH.

>>> # import the necessary modules
>>> import kxi.packages as pakx
>>> # initialize the package
>>> pakx.init()
>>> # set the `KX_PACKAGE_PATH` environment variable
>>> pakx.setup_env.set_package_path("test/test-packages")
>>> # list all packages
>>> pakx.packages.list()
name        versions
0   devpack   1.0.0_DC80D99
1   devpack  2.0.0_F32C90C4
2        ml           1.0.0
3        ml           2.0.0
4        ml  2.0.0_F32C80D9
.       ...             ...
.       ...             ...

def search(package_name: Optional[str] = None,
           version: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame

List all packages stored at KX_PACKAGE_PATH which meet a presented search criteria.


  • package_name - Optional[string] - Regex filter string used to search for specific package name patterns. Can also be None to include all package names.
  • version - Optional[string] - Regex filter string used to search for specific package version patterns. Can also be None to include all package versions.


pd.DataFrame - Table detailing the name and version of the packages defined under KX_PACKAGE_PATH which meet the presented search criteria.


List the names and versions of all packages defined under KX_PACKAGE_PATH which match the presented search criteria.

>>> # import the necessary modules
>>> import kxi.packages as pakx
>>> # initialize the package
>>> pakx.init()
>>> # set the `KX_PACKAGE_PATH` environment variable
>>> pakx.setup_env.set_package_path("test/test-packages")
>>> # list all packages
>>> pakx.packages.list()
name        versions
0   devpack   1.0.0_DC80D99
1   devpack  2.0.0_F32C90C4
2        ml           1.0.0
3        ml           2.0.0
4        ml  2.0.0_F32C80D9
.       ...             ...
.       ...             ...
>>> # list all "dev" related packages
name        versions
0  devpack   1.0.0_DC80D99
1  devpack  2.0.0_F32C90C4
>>> # list all packages that are version 1.x
name       versions
0  devpack  1.0.0_DC80D99
1       ml          1.0.0
2     test          1.1.0
3     test          1.2.0


def load(package_name: str,
         version: str,
         entry: str = "default",
         path: Optional[str] = None,
         force: bool = False) -> Optional[ModuleType]

Load a package into memory.


  • package_name - string - Name of the package to be loaded.
  • version - string - Version of the package to be loaded.
  • entry - string - Name of the entrypoint used to load the package. Found in manifest.json under the entry entrypoints.<entry>.
  • path - Optional[string] - Path to the package to be loaded. Can also be None to use the current working directory.
  • force - boolean - Whether to load a package regardless of whether a package with the same name and entrypoint has already been loaded.


Optional[ModuleType] - Python module OR None - if q loads it locally.


ImportError - If a python module could not be loaded from the entry.


Load various packages.

>>> # import the necessary modules
>>> import kxi.packages as pakx
>>> # initialize the package
>>> pakx.init()
>>> # set the `KX_PACKAGE_PATH` environment variable
>>> pakx.setup_env.set_package_path("test/test-packages")
>>> # list all packages
>>> pakx.packages.list()
name        versions
0   devpack   1.0.0_DC80D99
1   devpack  2.0.0_F32C90C4
2        ml           1.0.0
3        ml           2.0.0
4        ml  2.0.0_F32C80D9
.       ...             ...
.       ...             ...
>>> # load the "ml" package with version 2.0.0
>>> pakx.packages.load("ml", "2.0.0")
>>> # load the "ml" package with version 1.0.0 forcing load override
>>> pakx.packages.load("ml", "1.0.0", force=True)


def load_file(file_path: str) -> Optional[ModuleType]

Load a file associated with a package into memory.


  • file_path - string - Path to the file to be loaded, relative to the package root.


Optional[ModuleType] - Python module if loading a python file OR None if loading a q file.


ImportError - If the user supplies a python file that cannot be loaded.


Load a Python file into memory.

  • Note - The python session must be run from the root directory of a package for this to work.
$ cd test/test-packages/ml/1.0.0
$ python
>>> # import the necessary modules
>>> import kxi.packages as pakx
>>> # initialize the package
>>> pakx.init()
>>> # load a python file 'src/' assigning output to udfs
>>> udfs = pakx.packages.load_file("src/")
>>> # load the q file 'ml.q'
>>> pakx.packages.load_file("ml.q")