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Assembly reference

A number of configuration objects within the assembly file are shared by different elements. This document details the specifications of a number of shared objects within the assembly file.


Each element defined within the Assembly has a k8sPolicy object. This object allows additional Kubernetes configurations to be applied to the deployment objects created by the assembly.

          k8sPolicy: {}
          k8sPolicy: {}
      k8sPolicy: {}
        k8sPolicy: {}
        k8sPolicy: {}

Within the k8sPolicy, the instances ServiceAccount and PodSecurityContext can be defined.

Additional advanced configuration can be set as detailed in the sections below.


The serviceAccount field allows the user to define a service account name to be used.

  serviceAccount: "my-svc-acc"

This may be a new service account name, or the name of a preexisting service account. If preexisting, the create field of serviceAccountConfigure should be set to false.


The serviceAccountConfigure field allows the user to override defaults for a component's service account.

    create: false
    automountServiceAccountToken: false

By default the KXI Operator will create a service account for each component.

This configuration allows for the creation to be disabled, and the automatic mounting of a service account token to also be disabled. See configuring a service account for additional information.

name type required description
automountServiceAccountToken boolean No Mount the service account token to the container
create boolean No Create a service account for component


The resources field allows the user to define container resources.

    applyResources: true
      memory: "64Mi"
      cpu: "250m"
      memory: "128Mi"
      cpu: "500m"

Resource configuration allows limits and requests to be set for containers. The Kubernetes scheduler will attempt to place the pod on a node with sufficient resources to meet a request and will enforce limits on a pod.

Resource Limits

When a process in the container tries to consume more than the allowed amount of memory, the system kernel terminates the process that attempted the allocation, with an out of memory (OOM) error.

name type required description
applyResources boolean No Where resources have not been defined, they may be defaulted. Setting to false will disable the defaults from being applied to the container.
limits.cpu string No Enforced CPU usage limit in units of Kubernetes CPUs.
limits.memory string No Enforced maximum memory in bytes. You can express memory as a number of bytes or a number with a unit. See managing resources for more details
requests.cpu string No Requested container CPU in units of Kubernetes CPUs.
requests.memory string No Requested container memory in bytes. You can express memory as a number of bytes or a number with a unit. See managing resources for more details
tmpDirSize string No Each container requires a tmp directory mounted to the container. This optional field allows you to request a specific size for the attached volume using a volume capacity

Setting request and limits

Memory and CPU requests are the baseline that your process is guaranteed to have available to it for processing. In general, it is recommended that if a limit is specified, it should match the request. For processes that require a significant amount of memory, such as the Storage Manager, it is recommended that no limit is set.


The nodeSelector field allows the user to define nodeSelector configuration for workloads.

    disktype: ssd
name type required description
nodeSelector object No Map of key-value pairs


The affinity object allows the user to define affinity and anti-affinity configuration for workloads.

        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
            - antarctica-east1
            - antarctica-west1
    podAntiAffinityPreset: "soft"

Pod affinity allows for more control over pod scheduling. Where nodeSelector may be used for simple scheduling, podAffinity allows for greater range of constraints.

There are currently two types of Node affinity, called requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution and preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution will only schedule pods on nodes matching criteria, whereas preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution will attempt to schedule, but on failure will run on non-matching nodes.

Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity allow you to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to be scheduled to run on.

The rules are of the form "this pod should (or, in the case of anti-affinity, should not) run in an X if that X is already running one or more pods that meet rule Y". Y is expressed as a LabelSelector with an optional associated list of namespaces.

As with nodeAffinity there are two types of pod affinity and anti-affinity, called requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution and preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.

The affinity object also includes a podAntiAffinityPreset. This allows the user to configure none, hard, hard-az, soft or soft-az without the need to populate the podAntiAffinity object. See the table below for definitions of the preset affinity values. Setting this field tells the Operator to default the podAntiAffinity object for that component.

affinity description
none No preset affinity. Pods can be scheduled on the first available node.
soft Prefer scheduling workloads on separate nodes to avoid cascading node failure. If there are no more nodes available, this preset allows scheduling matching workloads on the same node.
hard Require scheduling of workloads to be on separate nodes. If no more nodes are available, workload will fail scheduling.
soft-az Prefer scheduling workloads in separate availability zones. If there are no more availability zones, this preset allows scheduling matching workloads in the same zone.
hard-az Require scheduling of workloads to be in separate availability zones. If no more availability, zone workload scheduling will fail.


Where podAntiAffinity has been set, this will override any configuration set within the podAntiAffinityPreset field.

name type required description
nodeAffinity object No Node Affinity is a set of conditions for a node to meet for Pod scheduling on a node
podAffinity object No Pod Affinity is a set of conditions for additional workloads to be met for Pod scheduling on a node
podAntiAffinityPreset string No When set, the operator will use preset anti-affinity configuration for workloads. none, hard, soft, hard-az or soft-az anti-affinity may be set. See the table above for details on the presets.
podAntiAffinity object No Pod Anti-affinity is a set of conditions for additional workloads to be met for Pod scheduling on a node


The tolerations field allows the user to define tolerations configuration for workloads.

  - key: "example-key"
    operator: "Exists"
    effect: "NoSchedule"

Nodes may be tainted, as means to prevent certain pods from being scheduled on that node. A taint is a key-value pair. Several taints are pre-existing and set by Kubernetes.

Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow (but do not require) the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints.

name type required description
tolerations object No Pod node taint tolerations


The terminationGracePeriodSeconds field allows the user to define terminationGracePeriodSeconds configuration for workloads.

  terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60

This sets the length of time in seconds the container will be allowed to shutdown before the pod is killed.

name type required description
terminationGracePeriodSeconds integer No The amount of time in seconds to wait for a workload to complete before forcefully killing it.


The podSecurityContext field allows for the pod level security context to be configured for the element pods.

    runAsUser: 1000
    fsGroup: 1000

It holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. Some fields are also present in container.securityContext. Field values of securityContext take precedence over field values of podSecurityContext.


The securityContext allows for a container level security context to be configured.

    runAsUser: 1000
    fsGroup: 1000
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
    allowPrivilegeEscalation: false