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General helper functions (.axq)

.axq provides a convenient set of helper functions to simplify common q tasks. These functions help with casting, parsing and type checking in q. In native q, a number of type conversion methods throw type errors when given an invalid input. AXQ avoids type errors and instead provides proper conversions for all types.


Casting in q can be achieved by using a lowercase type specifier and the $ operator. However, there are a lot of unimplemented cast behaviors that will throw a 'type error (e.g. "s"$"hello"). The as* functions are intended to bridge this gap of behavior with minimal overhead. All as* functions are directly substitutable for raw q casting.

x: 100?100f

/=> 32.15703 20.97211 20.16676 29.26194 90.11277 78.29819 28...


/=> 32 21 20 29 90 78 28 79 22 3 2 79 30 92 43 18 47 24 18 75..

.axq.asLong x

/=> 32 21 20 29 90 78 28 79 22 3 2 79 30 92 43 18 47 24 18 75..

.axq.asLong[x] ~ "j"$x

/=> 1b


Parsing in q is very similar to casting except we use the uppercase type specifier to perform the cast. Similarly to the casting functions, there are holes in the behaviors of the casting functions and 'type errors are commonly thrown. AXQ provides a complete set of parse* functions that bridge the gap in the behavior of these functions.

x: string 100?100f

/=> "45.06715"
/=> "87.09127"
/=> "94.98388"
/=> "72.33301"
/=> "23.51991"
/=> "47.89366"
/=> "60.75813"
/=> ..


/=> 45.06715 87.09127 94.98388 72.33301 23.51991 47.89366 60...

.axq.parseFloat x

/=> 45.06715 87.09127 94.98388 72.33301 23.51991 47.89366 60...

.axq.parseFloat[x] ~ "F"$x

/=> 1b

Type checking

kdb+ type checking tends to result in cryptic code that uses data type constants to determine the type of an input (e.g. 10h ~ type x). .axq provides a set of is* functions to check the type of the input.

x:"Hello, World!";
10h ~ type x

/=> 1b

.axq.isString x

/=> 1b

Utility functions


Runs a function in a try-catch block similarly to @ or . but automatically determines if the input function is monadic or dyadic.

foo: { '"ERROR" };
.axq.catch[foo; ::; {x}]

/=> "ERROR"


Creates a range of long values from a start index (inclusive) until an end index (exclusive)

.axq.until[10; 20]

/=> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Returns the exclusive or of two inputs

.axq.xor[1010b; 1011b]

/=> 0001b    


A mapping of all atomic data types to their infinity value


A mapping of all atomic data types to their null value


Converts the given input to a boolean data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a boolean data type


Type Description
boolean Data with same shape of boolean type

Example: Number to Boolean

 .axq.asBoolean 10
 /=> 1b

Example: Date to Boolean

 .axq.asBoolean 2000.01.01
 /=> 0b

Example: Time to Boolean

 .axq.asBoolean 12:34:56.789
 /=> 1b


Converts the given input to a byte data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a byte data type


Type Description
byte Data with same shape of byte type

Example: Number to Byte

 .axq.asByte 10
 /=> 0x0a

Example: Date to Byte

 .axq.asByte 2015.05.22
 /=> 0xf4

Example: Time to Byte

 .axq.asByte 12:34:56.789
 /=> 0x95


Converts the given input to a char data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a char data type


Type Description
char Data with same shape of char type

Example: Number to Char

 .axq.asChar 10
 /=> "\n"

Example: Date to Char

 .axq.asChar 2015.05.22
 /=> "\364"

Example: Time to Char

 .axq.asChar 12:34:56.789
 /=> "\225"


Converts the given input to a date data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a date data type


Type Description
date Data with same shape of date type

Example: Number to Date

 .axq.asDate 10
 /=> 2000.01.11

Example: Datetime to Date

 .axq.asDate 2010.05.22T12:34:56.789
 /=> 2010.05.22

Example: Time to Date

 .axq.asDate 12:34:56.789
 /=> 2000.01.01


Converts the given input to a datetime data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a datetime data type


Type Description
datetime Data with same shape of datetime type

Example: Number to Datetime

 .axq.asDatetime 10
 /=> 2000.01.11T00:00:00.000

Example: Date to Datetime

 .axq.asDatetime 2010.05.22
 /=> 2010.05.22T00:00:00.000

Example: Time to Datetime

 .axq.asDatetime 12:34:56.789
 /=> 2000.01.01T12:34:56.789


Converts the given input to a float data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a float data type


Type Description
float Data with same shape of float type

Example: Number to Float

 .axq.asFloat 10
 /=> 10f

Example: Date to Float

 .axq.asFloat 2010.05.22
 /=> 3794f

Example: Time to Float

 .axq.asFloat 12:34:56.789
 /=> 4.529679e+07


Casts data from any type into a GUID. This function does not follow the convention of the other as functions when given a string. If given a string input then asGUID will attempt to parse it into a GUID


Name Type Description
data * Any data type to convert to a GUID


Type Description
* Input converted to GUIDs with a preserved shape

Example: Bytes to GUID

 .axq.asGUID 0x5a580fb6656b5e69d445417ebfe71994
 /=> 5a580fb6-656b-5e69-d445-417ebfe71994

Example: Number to GUID

 .axq.asGUID 1504055322709753856f
 /=> 00000000-0000-0000-14df-7a58e0a68000

Example: Parse String to GUID

 .axq.asGUID "580d8c87-e557-0db1-3a19-cb3a44d623b1"
 /=> 580d8c87-e557-0db1-3a19-cb3a44d623b1


Converts the given input to an int data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to an int data type


Type Description
int Data with same shape of int type

Example: Number to Int

 .axq.asInt 10
 /=> 10i

Example: Date to Int

 .axq.asInt 2010.05.22
 /=> 3794i

Example: Time to Int

 .axq.asInt 12:34:56.789
 /=> 45296789i


Converts the given input to a list. Refer to the following chart for behavior definitions based on input type

Input Type Behavior
atom enlist
vector identity
table ((column name; column content); ...)
keyed table ((column name; column content); ...)
dictionary ((key; value); ...)


Name Type Description
data * Any input to convert to a list


Type Description
any[] A list from the given input

Example: Atom to List

 .axq.asList "a"
 /=> ,"a"

Example: Table to List

 .axq.asList ([] x: til 5; y: "abcde")
 /=> `x 0 1 2 3 4
 /=> `y "abcde"  

Example: Dictionary to List

 .axq.asList `a`b!(1 2 3; "abc")
 /=> `a 1 2 3
 /=> `b "abc"


Converts the given input to a long data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a long data type


Type Description
long Data with same shape of long type

Example: Number to Long

 .axq.asLong 10
 /=> 10

Example: Date to Long

 .axq.asLong 2010.05.22
 /=> 3794

Example: Time to Long

 .axq.asLong 12:34:56.789
 /=> 45296789


Converts the given input to a minute data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a minute data type


Type Description
minute Data with same shape of minute type

Example: Number to Minute

 .axq.asMinute 10
 /=> 00:10

Example: Date to Minute

 .axq.asMinute 2010.05.22
 /=> 00:00

Example: Time to Minute

 .axq.asMinute 12:34:56.789
 /=> 12:34


Converts the given input to a month data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a month data type


Type Description
month Data with same shape of month type

Example: Number to Month

 .axq.asMonth 10
 /=> 2000.11m

Example: Date to Month

 .axq.asMonth 2010.05.22
 /=> 2010.05m

Example: Time to Minute

 .axq.asMonth 12:34:56.789
 /=> 2000.01m


Converts the given input to a real data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a real data type


Type Description
real Data with same shape of real type

Example: Number to Real

 .axq.asReal 10
 /=> 10e

Example: Date to Real

 .axq.asReal 2010.05.22
 /=> 3794e

Example: Time to Float

 .axq.asReal 12:34:56.789
 /=> 4.529679e+07e


Converts the given input to a second data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a second data type


Type Description
second Data with same shape of second type

Example: Number to Second

 .axq.asSecond 10
 /=> 00:00:10

Example: Date to Second

 .axq.asSecond 2010.05.22
 /=> 00:00:00

Example: Time to Second

 .axq.asSecond 12:34:56.789
 /=> 12:34:56


Converts the given input to a short data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a short data type


Type Description
short Data with same shape of short type

Example: Number to Short

 .axq.asShort 10
 /=> 10h

Example: Date to Short

 .axq.asShort 2010.05.22
 /=> 3794h

Example: Time to Short

 .axq.asShort 12:34:56.789
 /=> 32767h


Converts the given input to a string. This is similar to the behavior of the string keyword. .axq.asString differs from string when the input is a string type. In this case, the input is simply returned.


Name Type Description
data * Data to cast to a string


Type Description
string String representation of data with same shape

Example: Number to String

 .axq.asString 10
 /=> "10"

Example: Vector to String

 .axq.asString `AAPL`GOOG`MSFT`AMZN
 /=> "AAPL"
 /=> "GOOG"
 /=> "MSFT"
 /=> "AMZN"


Converts the given input to a symbol


Name Type Description
data * Data to cast to a symbol


Type Description
symbol Symbolic data with same shape

Example: Number to Symbol

 .axq.asSymbol 12
 /=> `12

Example: String to Symbol

 .axq.asSymbol ("AAPL"; "GOOG"; "MSFT"; "AMZN")


Converts the given input to a time data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a time data type


Type Description
time Data with same shape of time type

Example: Number to Time

 .axq.asTime 10
 /=> 00:00:00.010

Example: Date to Time

 .axq.asTime 2010.05.22
 /=> 00:00:00.000

Example: Time to Time

 asTime 12:34:56.789
 /=> 12:34:56.789


Converts the given input to a timespan data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a timespan data type


Type Description
timespan Data with same shape of timespan type

Example: Number to Timespan

 .axq.asTimespan 10
 /=> 0D00:00:00.000000010

Example: Date to Timespan

 .axq.asTimespan 2010.05.22
 /=> 3794D00:00:00.000000000

Example: Time to Timespan

 .axq.asTimespan 12:34:56.789
 /=> 0D12:34:56.789000000


Converts the given input to a timestamp data type


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to a timestamp data type


Type Description
timestamp Data with same shape of timestamp type

Example: Number to Timestamp

 .axq.asTimestamp 10
 /=> 2000.01.01D00:00:00.000000010

Example: Date to Timestamp

 .axq.asTimestamp 2010.05.22
 /=> 2010.05.22D00:00:00.000000000

Example: Time to Timestamp

 .axq.asTimestamp 12:34:56.789
 /=> 2000.01.01D12:34:56.789000000


Dynamically dispatches to the desired as* function and applies the cast function to the input data


Name Type Description
data * Data to cast
ty symbol Type to cast to


Type Description
* Data with same shape of desired type

Example: Number to Time

 .axq.asType[100; `time]
 /=> 00:00:00.100

Example: Symbols to Strings

 .axq.asType[`AAPL`GOOG`MSFT`AMZN; `string]
 /=> "AAPL"
 /=> "GOOG"
 /=> "MSFT"
 /=> "AMZN"


Catch provides protected evaluation. The form is simple:

.axq.catch [fn; args; expression]

where fn is a function, args is the single argument or an argument list for the function and expression should be a lambda (i.e., { ... }) to be evaluated should function fn fail. If the expression has an error the catch itself will fail.


Name Type Description
fn fn Function to run protected
args * Arguments to pass to function
expr fn Expression to be executed upon failure


Type Description
* Return from function upon success or expr upon failure

Example: Catch an Error in a Lambda

 myFn: {$[x < 0; '"type"; x]};
 .axq.catch[myFn; -1; {x}]
 /=> "type"


Checks if a qualified variable name is defined. This only works on qualified variable names because local vars/params are always defined


Name Type Description
name symbol A qualified variable name


Type Description
boolean 1b if the variable is defined


Returns true if the input is an atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is an atom

Example: Checking isAtom

 .axq.isAtom 1
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isAtom til 10
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a boolean atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a boolean atom

Example: Checking isBoolean

 .axq.isBoolean 0b
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isBoolean 1
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a byte atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a byte atom

Example: Checking isByte

 .axq.isByte 0x12
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isByte 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a char atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a char atom

Example: Checking isChar

 .axq.isChar "a"
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isChar 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a compound data type


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is compound data

Example: Checking isCompound

 .axq.isCompound ("abc"; "def")
 /=> 0b

 .axq.isCompound get `:v set ("abc"; "def")
 /=> 1b


Returns true if the input is a date atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a date atom

Example: Checking isDate

 .axq.isDate 2015.05.22
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isDate 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a datetime atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a datetime atom

Example: Checking isDatetime

 .axq.isDatetime 2015.05.22T12:34:56.789
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isDatetime 12
 /=> 0b


Alias to isDictionary


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a dictionary

See Also: .axq.isDictionary


Returns true if the given input is a dictionary


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a dictionary

Example: Checking isDictionary

 .axq.isDictionary `a`b!(1 2 3; "abc")
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isDictionary flip `a`b!(1 2 3; "abc")
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the given input has a count of 0


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input has a count of 0

Example: Checking isEmpty

 .axq.isEmpty ([] ())
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isEmpty 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is an enumeration


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is an enumerated value

Example: Checking isEnum

 .axq.isEnum 1 2 3 4
 /=> 0b

 .axq.isEnum `sym?`a`b`c
 /=> 1b


Returns true if the input is a float atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a float atom

Example: Checking isFloat

 .axq.isFloat 12.0
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isFloat 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a function


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a function

Example: Checking isFunction

 .axq.isFunction sum
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isFunction 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a guid atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a GUID atom

Example: Checking isGUID

 .axq.isGUID first 1?0ng
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isGUID 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a general type


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a general type

Example: Checking isGeneral

 .axq.isGeneral ()
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isGeneral 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input value is an atom and is considered to be an infinity for its respective type


Name Type Description
x * Data value to check


Type Description
boolean If the input is an atom and is infinite

Example: Checking isInfinity

 .axq.isInfinity 1b
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isInfinity 0W
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isInfinity 0N
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is an int atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is an int atom

Example: Checking isInt

 .axq.isInt 12i
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isInt 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a dictionary and both the key and the value of the dictionary are tables


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a keyed table

Example: Checking isKeyedTable

 .axq.isKeyedTable ([x: til 5] y: "abcde")
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isKeyedTable ([] x: til 5; y: "abcde")
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is an enumeration that is not symbolic but is linked to another vector.


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a linked vector

Example: Checking isLinked

 .axq.isLinked 1 2 3 4
 /=> 0b

 v: 100?10;
 x: `v!v?100?10;
 .axq.isLinked x
 /=> 1b


Returns true if the given data is a list of data


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a list

Example: Checking isList

 .axq.isList "Hello, World!"
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isList 1b
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a long atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a long atom

Example: Checking isLong

 .axq.isLong 12
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isLong 12.0
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a minute atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a minute atom

Example: Checking isMinute

 .axq.isMinute 12:34
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isMinute 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a month atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a month atom

Example: Checking isMonth

 .axq.isMonth 2015.05m
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isMonth 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input value is an atom and is considered to be null for its respective type


Name Type Description
x * Data value to check


Type Description
boolean If the input is an atom and is null

Example: Checking isNull

 .axq.isNull " "
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isNull 0N
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isNull 0W
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input value is an atom and is numeric. Numeric types include the following types:

  • boolean
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • real
  • float


Name Type Description
x * Data value to check


Type Description
boolean If the input is an atom and is a number

Example: Checking isNumber

 .axq.isNumber 12
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isNumber 0xff
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isNumber 2015.05.22
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a real atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a real atom

Example: Checking isReal

 .axq.isReal 12.0e
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isReal 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a second atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a second atom

Example: Checking isSecond

 .axq.isSecond 12:34:56
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isSecond 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a short atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a short atom

Example: Checking isShort

 .axq.isShort 12h
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isShort 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a char vector


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a char vector

Example: Checking isString

 .axq.isString "Hello, World!"
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isString `APPL
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a symbol atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a symbol atom

Example: Checking isSymbol

 .axq.isSymbol `AAPL
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isSymbol "Hello, World!"
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a table


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a table

Example: Checking isTable

 .axq.isTable ([] x: til 5; y: "abcde")
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isTable `a`b!(1 2 3; "abc")
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a time atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a time atom

Example: Checking isTime

 .axq.isTime 12:34:56.789
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isTime 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a timespan atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a timespan atom

Example: Checking isTimespan

 .axq.isTimespan 0D12:34:56.789
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isTimespan 12
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the input is a timestamp atom


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a timestamp atom

Example: Checking isTimestamp

 .axq.isTimestamp 2015.05.22D12:34:56.789
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isTimestamp 12
 /=> 0b


Dynamically dispatches to the desired is* function to check the type


Name Type Description
data * Data to type check
ty symbol Type to check


Type Description
boolean If the input is of the correct type

Example: Checking isType

 .axq.isType[`APPL; `symbol]
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isType[2015.05.22; `date]
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isType[12.0; `long]
 /=> 0b


Returns true if the given data is a simple list of atoms that are all the same type


Name Type Description
x * Data to type check


Type Description
boolean If the input is a vector

Example: Checking isList

 .axq.isVector "Hello, World!"
 /=> 1b

 .axq.isVector (1; `APPL; 2015.05.22)
 /=> 0b


If the input is a string then parse it to a boolean value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as boolean


Type Description
boolean Boolean representation of input

See Also: .axq.asBoolean

Example: String to Boolean

 .axq.parseBoolean "1"
 /=> 1b

Example: Number to Boolean

 .axq.parseBoolean 10
 /=> 1b


If the input is a string then parse it to a byte value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as byte


Type Description
byte Byte representation of input

See Also: .axq.asByte

Example: String to Byte

 .axq.parseByte "a"
 /=> 0x0a

Example: Number to Byte

 .axq.parseByte 10
 /=> 0x0a


If the input is a string then parse it to a char value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as char


Type Description
char Char representation of input

See Also: .axq.asChar

Example: String to Char

 .axq.parseChar "a"
 /=> "a"

Example: Number to Char

 .axq.parseChar 10
 /=> "\n"


If the input is a string then parse it to a date value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as date


Type Description
date Date representation of input

See Also: .axq.asDate

Example: String to Date

 .axq.parseDate "2015.05.22"
 /=> 2015.05.22

Example: Number to Date

 .axq.parseDate 10
 /=> 2000.01.11


If the input is a string then parse it to a datetime value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as datetime


Type Description
datetime Datetime representation of input

See Also: .axq.asDatetime

Example: String to Datetime

 .axq.parseDatetime "2015.05.22T12:34:56.789"
 /=> 2015.05.22T12:34:56.789

Example: Number to Datetime

 .axq.parseDatetime 10
 /=> 2000.01.11T00:00:00.000


If the input is a string then parse it to a float value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as float


Type Description
float Float representation of input

See Also: .axq.asFloat

Example: String to Float

 .axq.parseFloat "12.345"
 /=> 12.345

Example: Number to Float

 .axq.parseFloat 10
 /=> 10f


If the input is a string then parse it to a GUID value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as GUID


Type Description
guid GUID representation of input

See Also: .axq.asGUID

Example: String to GUID

 .axq.parseGUID "12345678-9abc-def1-2345-6789abcdef12"
 /=> 12345678-9abc-def1-2345-6789abcdef12

Example: Number to GUID

 .axq.parseGUID 10
 /=> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000a


If the input is a string then parse it to a int value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as int


Type Description
int Int representation of input

See Also: .axq.asInt

Example: String to Int

 .axq.parseInt "12"
 /=> 12i

Example: Number to Int

 .axq.parseInt 10
 /=> 10i


If the input is a string then parse it to a long value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as long


Type Description
long Long representation of input

See Also: .axq.asLong

Example: String to Long

 .axq.parseLong "12"
 /=> 12

Example: Number to Long

 .axq.parseLong 10
 /=> 10


If the input is a string then parse it to a minute value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as minute


Type Description
minute Minute representation of input

See Also: .axq.asMinute

Example: String to Minute

 .axq.parseMinute "12:34"
 /=> 12:34

Example: Number to Minute

 .axq.parseMinute 10
 /=> 00:10


If the input is a string then parse it to a month value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as month


Type Description
month Month representation of input

See Also: .axq.asMonth

Example: String to Month

 .axq.parseMonth "2015.05"
 /=> 2015.05m

Example: Number to Month

 .axq.parseMonth 10
 /=> 2000.11m


If the input is a string then parse it to a real value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as real


Type Description
real Real representation of input

See Also: .axq.asReal

Example: String to Real

 .axq.parseReal "12.345"
 /=> 12.345e

Example: Number to Real

 .axq.parseReal 10
 /=> 10e


If the input is a string then parse it to a second value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as second


Type Description
second Second representation of input

See Also: .axq.asSecond

Example: String to Second

 .axq.parseSecond "12:34:56"
 /=> 12:34:56

Example: Number to Second

 .axq.parseSecond 10
 /=> 00:00:10


If the input is a string then parse it to a short value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as short


Type Description
short Short representation of input

See Also: .axq.asShort

Example: String to Short

 .axq.parseShort "12"
 /=> 12h

Example: Number to Short

 .axq.parseShort 10
 /=> 10h


If the input is a string then return the input. If the input is anything else then return a string representation of of the input


Name Type Description
data * Any data to convert to string


Type Description
string String representation of input

See Also: .axq.asString

Example: String to String

 .axq.parseString "Hello, World!"
 /=> "Hello, World!"

Example: Number to String

 .axq.parseString 10
 /=> "10"


If the input is a string then parse it to a symbol value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as symbol


Type Description
symbol Symbol representation of input

See Also: .axq.asSymbol

Example: String to Symbol

 .axq.parseSymbol "APPL"
 /=> `AAPL

Example: Number to Symbol

 .axq.parseSymbol 10
 /=> `10


If the input is a string then parse it to a time value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as time


Type Description
time Time representation of input

See Also: .axq.asTime

Example: String to Time

 .axq.parseTime "12:34:56.789"
 /=> 12

Example: Number to Time

 .axq.parseTime 10
 /=> 00:00:00.010


If the input is a string then parse it to a timespan value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as timespan


Type Description
timespan Timespan representation of input

See Also: .axq.asTimespan

Example: String to Timespan

 .axq.parseTimespan "0D12:34:56.789"
 /=> 0D12:34:56.789000000

Example: Number to Timespan

 .axq.parseTimespan 10
 /=> 0D00:00:00.000000010


If the input is a string then parse it to a timestamp value. If the input is anything else then perform the associated casting operation


Name Type Description
data * Any data to parse as timestamp


Type Description
timestamp Timestamp representation of input

See Also: .axq.asTimestamp

Example: String to Timestamp

 .axq.parseTimestamp "2015.05.22D12:34:56.789"
 /=> 2015.05.22D12:34:56.789000000

Example: Number to Timestamp

 .axq.parseTimestamp 10
 /=> 2000.01.01D00:00:00.000000010


Dynamically dispatches to the desired parse* function to parse some data


Name Type Description
data * Data to parse
ty symbol Type to parse to


Type Description
* Data with same shape of desired type

Example: String to Number

 .axq.parseType["100"; `long]
 /=> 100

Example: String to Time

 "12:34:56.789" parseType `time
 /=> 12:34:56.789


Returns the name of the type of the input as a symbol


Name Type Description
x * Data to get type of


Type Description
symbol Name of type of data

Example: Checking typeOf

 .axq.typeOf 12
 /=> `long

 .axq.typeOf 12:34:56.789
 /=> `time

 .axq.typeOf typeOf
 /=> `lambda



Returns the name of the type of the input as a symbol


Name Type Description
x * Data to get type of


Type Description
symbol Name of type of data

See Also: .axq.typeOf


Returns a set of numbers in a range from [x,y)


Name Type Description
x number Base index for list
y number Upper limit of list


Type Description
long[] From x inclusive to y exclusive

Example: Using until

 .axq.until[1; 5]
 /=> 1 2 3 4

 .axq.until[5; 10]
 /=> 5 6 7 8 9


Returns the exclusive or of two inputs


Name Type Description
x boolean | boolean[] Left list to xor with
y boolean | boolean[] Right list to xor with


Type Description
boolean | boolean[] Exclusive or of the inputs

Example: Finding Differences

 .axq.xor[101b; 111b]
 /=> 010b

Example: Inverting Values

 .axq.xor[1b; 0101b]
 /=> 1010b