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Each geometry below acts as a single layer within a GG visualization. The layers can be composed using .qp.stack or .qp.split to create custom visualizations.

The geomtries that are available are provided in the grid below, with further detail and examples of each following.


Each of the examples below can be rendered in the IDE by prepending .qp.go[width; height] to the front of the plot description, or can be rendered to a PNG file using .qp.png[`:filename.png; width; height] in front. For example, use the following for a 500 pixel by 500 pixel scatter chart:

t: ([]x: til 45);

.qp.go[500; 500] .qp.point[t; `x; `y; ::]


Area chart - draw a filled line given the X and Y coordinates of the line.

  • X - horizontal position
  • Y - vertical position

Series can be stacked (see examples below).

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `stack
  • `decorations - Disable line and point decorations


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a line chart

Example: Load data and basic plot

      t : ([]x: til 100; y: { sin[3*x] + sin[2*x] } acos[-1] * til[100] % 100);

      .qp.area[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Disable points and outline

      .qp.area[t; `x; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[enlist[`decorations]!enlist 0b]


Example: Filled and alpha

      .qp.area[t; `x; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[`alpha`areaAlpha`fill!(0x7f; 0x2f; 0xb22222)]


Example: Grouped and stacked

      t : raze { ([]
             x: til 100; 
             y: 5 + { sin[rand[5]*x] + sin[rand[5]*x] } acos[-1] * til[100] % 100; z: x) 
         } each `a`b`c;

      .qp.area[t; `x; `y]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill`group; `z`z]
          , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
          , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `stack)]


Example: Grouped and stacked with properties

      .qp.area[t; `x; `y]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill`group; `z`z]
          , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `blues]
          , .qp.s.geom[`colour`position`alpha`strokewidth!(`black; `stack; 0x7f; 3)] 


Vertical bar chart.

  • X - places the bar along the x axis
  • Y - maps the height of the bar

Series can be stacked or dodged (see examples below).

By default, the bars will start at the smallest value, unless extended in order to get a nice range for axis ticks. The minimum or maximum can be extended to any desired value. This is useful to set the minimum to 0 to compare the absolute heights rather than the relative heights. This is done by setting the .gg.scale.limits[(min;max)] on the Y scale.

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `dodge or `stack
  • `gap - Gap between bars as percent of width/height (i.e., 0.03 for 3%)
  • `align - Bar alignment
  • `sortByValue - Sort bars by y axis value (largest to smallest)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a bar chart

See Also: .gg.scale.limits

Example: Load data and basic plot

     t: ([] x: 15#.Q.a; y: 10 + sums 15?-2 -1 1 2);[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Change colour and order by value[t; `x; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[``fill`sortByValue!(::; 0x0070cd; 1b)]


Example: Annotate with text labels and start at 0

     .qp.stack ([t; `x; `y]
              .qp.s.geom[``fill`sortByValue!(::; 0x0070cd; 0b)];
         .qp.text[t; `x; `y; `y]


Example: Grouped

      t: raze { ([] cat:x; x: 15#.Q.a; y: 10 + sums 15?-2 -1 1 2)} each `cat1`cat2`cat3`cat4;[t; `x; `y]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill; `cat]


Example: Grouped and stacked[t; `x; `y]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill`group; `cat`cat]
          , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `stack)]
          , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `reds]

Example: Grouped and dodged with custom y and fill scales[select from t where x in "abcde"; `x; `y]
            .qp.s.aes   [`fill`group; `cat`cat]
          , .qp.s.geom  [``position`gap!(::; `dodge;0.05)]
          , .qp.s.scale [`fill; `rdbu]
             // start y axis at 0
          , .qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]


Example: Draw a ribbon through the median and deviation of each category

      .qp.stack ([select from t where x in "abcde"; `x; `y]
                .qp.s.aes   [`fill`group; `cat`cat]
              , .qp.s.geom  [``position`gap!(::; `dodge;0.05)]
              , .qp.s.scale [`fill; `rdbu]
                 // start y axis at 0
              , .qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear];
         .qp.ribbon[select med y, dev y by x from t where x in "abcde"; `x; `y; `y1]



Box plot showing median, first and third quartiles, farthest point within 1.5 times the interquartile range from the median on either side, and all outliers (points further than this).

  • X - Category (position along the horizontal)
  • Y - Continuous value (value to summarize)

The X column should be a category, and the Y column continuous.


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a box plot

Example: Load data and basic categorical plot

      t : ([]x: raze 50#enlist 10?`5; y: 500?50; z: raze 50#'til 10);

      .qp.boxplot[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Basic numeric plot

      .qp.boxplot[t; `z; `y; ::]



Return an empty plot. Can be used as a spacer.


Type Description
table specification tree for an empty plot (spacer)

Example: Empty plot



Vertical error bar geometry.

  • X - position along the horizontal
  • Y - first point of the interval
  • YEND - second point of the interval

Series can be dodged (see examples below).

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `position - `dodge


Name Type Description
table table
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
yend symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table tree specifying an interval chart

Example: Stacking with a point

      t:update l1:x-.25,l2:x+.25 from 
          0!select max x by y, y2 from 
          ([] 100;y:100?`a`b`c`d; y2:100?`e`f`g`h);

      .qp.stack (
         .qp.errorbar[select from t where y2=`e; `y; `l1; `l2; ::];
         .qp.point   [select from t where y2=`e; `y; `x]


Example: Dodged error bars stacked with bars

     .qp.stack ([t;`y;`x] 
             .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `y2`y2] , 
             .qp.s.scale[`fill; `rdylbu] ,
             .qp.s.aes[`group; `y2] , 



Horizontal bar chart.

  • X - length of the bar
  • Y - vertical position

Series can be stacked or dodged (see examples below).

By default, the bars will start at the smallest value, unless extended in order to get a nice range for axis ticks. The minimum or maximum can be extended to any desired value. This is useful to set the minimum to 0 to compare the absolute heights rather than the relative heights. This is done by setting the .gg.scale.limits[(min;max)] on the X scale.

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `dodge or `stack
  • `gap - Gap between bars as percent of width/height (i.e., 0.03 for 3%)
  • `align - Bar alignment
  • `sortByValue - Sort bars by y axis value (largest to smallest)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a bar chart

See Also: .gg.scale.limits

Example: Load data and basic plot

     t: ([] x: 15#.Q.a; y: 10 + sums 15?-2 -1 1 2);

     .qp.hbar[t; `y; `x; ::]


Example: Change colour and order by value

      .qp.hbar[t; `y; `x]
          .qp.s.geom[``fill`sortByValue!(::; `slategrey; 1b)]


Example: Annotate with text labels and start at 0

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.hbar[t; `y; `x]
              .qp.s.geom[``fill`sortByValue!(::; `slategrey; 0b)];
         .qp.text[t; `y; `x; `y]


Example: Grouped

      t: raze { ([] cat:x; x: 15#.Q.a; y: 10 + sums 15?-2 -1 1 2)} each `cat1`cat2`cat3`cat4;

      .qp.hbar[t; `y; `x]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill; `cat]


Example: Grouped and stacked

      .qp.hbar[t; `y; `x]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill`group; `cat`cat]
          , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `stack)]
          , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `puor]

Example: Grouped and dodged with custom y and fill scales

      .qp.hbar[select from t where x in "abcde"; `y; `x]
            .qp.s.aes   [`fill`group; `cat`cat]
          , .qp.s.geom  [``position`gap!(::; `dodge;0.05)]
          , .qp.s.scale [`fill; `brbg]
             // start y axis at 0
          , .qp.s.scale [`x; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]



Horizontal box plot showing median, first and third quartiles, farthest point within 1.5 times the interquartile range from the median on either side, and all outliers (points further than this).

  • X - Continuous value (value to summarize)
  • Y - Category (position along the vertical)

The Y column should be a category, and the X column continuous.


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a box plot

Example: Load data and basic categorical plot

      t : ([]x: raze 50#enlist 10?`5; y: 500?50; z: raze 50#'til 10);

      .qp.hboxplot[t; `y; `x; ::]


Example: Basic numeric plot

      .qp.hboxplot[t; `y; `z; ::]



2D heatmap chart. By default, alpha is mapped to the count of the records in each bucket. This can be changed to map to anything else, or turned of with .qp.s.aes[`alpha; ::] in the settings.

Custom aggregations can be added and mapped as well (see examples below).

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a heatmap

Example: Load data and basic heatmap with angled x axis

     t : ([]
          x:5 * .st.gen.normal 100000; 
          y:sin .st.gen.normal 100000; 

     .qp.theme[`axis_tick_label_anchor_x`axis_tick_label_angle_x!(`left; 90)]
         .qp.heatmap[t; `c1; `c2; ::]


Example: Continuous * categorical with fill colour

     .qp.heatmap[t; `x; `c2]
         .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; 0x0070cd)]


Example: Add a new aggregation over y and map to fill colour and bin counts

     .qp.heatmap[t; `x; `z]
         .qp.s.aggr[.st.a.count[] , .st.a.custom[`yout; `y; avg]]
         , .qp.s.aes[`fill; `yout]
         , .qp.s.aes[`alpha; `]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient2[0f; `firebrick; 0xebebeb; `steelblue]]
         , .qp.s.binx[`c;50;0]
         , .qp.s.biny[`c;50;0]



Horizontal error bar geometry.

  • X - first point of the interval
  • XEND - second point of the interval
  • YEND - position along the vertical

Series can be dodged (see examples below).

Aesthetic mappings (`.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `position - `dodge


Name Type Description
table table
x symbol column name
xend symbol column name
y symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table tree specifying an interval chart

Example: Stacking with a point

      t:update l1:x-.25,l2:x+.25 from 
          0!select max x by y, y2 from 
          ([] 100;y:100?`a`b`c`d; y2:100?`e`f`g`h);

      .qp.stack (
         .qp.herrorbar[select from t where y2=`e; `l1; `l2; `y; ::];
         .qp.point   [select from t where y2=`e; `x; `y]


Example: Dodged error bars stacked with bars

     .qp.stack (
             .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `y2`y2] , 
             .qp.s.scale[`fill; `rdylbu] ,
             .qp.s.aes[`group; `y2] , 



Horizontal histogram chart - the length of each bar depicts the observations of a distinct value.

  • X - position along the vertical.

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `dodge or `stack
  • `sortByValue - Sort bars by y axis value (largest to smallest)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree

Example: Load data and continuous hhistogram

     t: raze {[category; num]
             c1: category; 
             x: 2 * (-2 + rand 4f) + .st.gen.normal num; 
             y: .st.gen.normal num; 
             z:  {acos[-1] * x % max x} .st.gen.normal num) 
         }'[`a`b`c`d`e; 10000+5?35000];

     .qp.hhistogram[t; `c1; ::]


Example: Change the scale to start at 0 and order by value

     .qp.hhistogram[t; `c1]
         .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear] ,


Example: Continuous axis with fill colour

     .qp.hhistogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; 0x0070cd)]


Example: Dodge based on another column

     .qp.hhistogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
                      // Requires a 2D bin transform rather than a 1D
         , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; ::; ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
         , .qp.s.geom[`position`gap!(`dodge; 0)]
         , .qp.s.aes[`group; `c1]
         , .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c1]


Example: Add an explicit fill scale

     .qp.hhistogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
                      // Requires a 2D bin transform rather than a 1D
         , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; ::; ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
         , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `dodge)]
         , .qp.s.aes[`group; `c1]
         , .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c1]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `pubugn]


Example: Change from a stack to a dodge with a blue scale

     .qp.hhistogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
         , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; ::; ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
         , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `stack)]  // <- changed to stack
         , .qp.s.aes[`group; `c1]
         , .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c1]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `pubugn]


Example: Stack with an binned line of another continuous column using 100 bins

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.hhistogram[t; `x]
             .qp.s.scale[`x; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
             , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; (`c;100;0); ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
             , .qp.s.biny[`x;100;0]
             , .qp.s.geom[``position`gap!(::;`stack;0)]
             , .qp.s.aes[`group; `c1]
             , .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c1]
             , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `bugn];
         .qp.path[t;  `count__; `y]
             .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin1d[`y; (`c;100;0); .st.a.count[]; ::] ] 
             , .qp.s.geom[``fill`size!(::; 0xcd0000;1.5)])



Horizontal interval chart - an interval between two numbers on the X axis for each value along the Y axis.

  • X - first point of the interval
  • XEND - second point of the interval
  • Y - position along the vertical

Series can be dodged (see examples below).

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `dodge
  • `gap - Gap between bars as percent of width/height (i.e., 0.03 for 3%)
  • `align - Bar alignment


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
xend symbol column name
y symbol column name
settings dict settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table tree specifying an hinterval chart

Example: Load data and basic plot

      t: ([] x: `a`b`c`d`e`f`g; y1: -50+7?100; y2: 50+7?100);
      .qp.hinterval[t;  `y1; `y2;`x; ::]


Example: Filled

      .qp.hinterval[t; `y1; `y2; `x]


Example: Grouped and dodged

      t:  raze {[category;num] ([] 
             c1: category; 
             c2: num?`cat1`cat2`cat3;
             x: (-2 + rand 4f) + .st.gen.normal num; 
             y: .st.gen.normal num) 
         }'[`a`b`c`d`e; 10000+5?35000];
      t: select y1: min x, y2: max x by c1, c2 from t;

      .qp.hinterval[t; `y1; `y2; `c1]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c2]
          , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
          , .qp.s.aes[`group;`c2]
          , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `dodge)]


Example: Positive/negative bar charts

     t: ([]y:0; y2: (.st.gen.normal[30] % 5) + sin 3 * acos[-1] * til[30] % 30; x:til 30);
     t: update pos:y2>=0 from t;

     .qp.hinterval[t; `y; `y2; `x]
           .qp.s.aes[`fill; `pos]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; 01b!(0xcd4000; 0x0070cd)]


Example: Stack a moving average line

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.hinterval[t; `y; `y2; `x]
               .qp.s.aes[`fill; `pos]
             , .qp.s.scale[`fill; 01b!(0xcd4000; 0x0070cd)]
             , .qp.s.geom[``alpha!(::;0x7f)];
         .qp.path[update y2: 10 mavg y2 from t; `y2; `x]



Vertical histogram chart - the height of each bar depicts the number of observations of each distinct value

  • X - the position along the X axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `dodge or `stack
  • `sortByValue - Sort bars by y axis value (largest to smallest)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree

Example: Load data and continuous histogram

     t: raze {[category; num]
             c1: category; 
             x: 2 * (-2 + rand 4f) + .st.gen.normal num; 
             y: .st.gen.normal num; 
             z:  {acos[-1] * x % max x} .st.gen.normal num) 
         }'[`a`b`c`d`e; 10000+5?35000];

     .qp.histogram[t; `c1; ::]


Example: Change the scale to start at 0 and order by value

     .qp.histogram[t; `c1]
         .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear] ,


Example: Continuous axis with fill colour

     .qp.histogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; 0x0070cd)]


Example: Dodge based on another column

     .qp.histogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
                      // Requires a 2D bin transform rather than a 1D
         , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; ::; ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
         , .qp.s.geom[`position`gap!(`dodge; 0)]
         , .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `c1`c1]


Example: Add an explicit fill scale

     .qp.histogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
                      // Requires a 2D bin transform rather than a 1D
         , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; ::; ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
         , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `dodge)]
         , .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `c1`c1]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `pubugn]


Example: Change from a stack to a dodge with a blue scale

     .qp.histogram[t; `x]
         .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
         , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; ::; ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
         , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `stack)]  // <- changed to stack
         , .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `c1`c1]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `pubugn]


Example: Stack with an binned line of another continuous column using 100 bins

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.histogram[t; `x]
             .qp.s.scale[`y; .gg.scale.limits[0 0N] .gg.scale.linear]
             , .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin2d[`x`c1; (`c;100;0); ::; .st.a.count[]; ::] ]
             , .qp.s.binx[`c;100;0]
             , .qp.s.geom[``position`gap!(::;`stack;0)]
             , .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `c1`c1]
             , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `bugn];
         .qp.path[t;  `y; `count__]
             .qp.s.stat[ .gg.stat.bin1d[`y; (`c;100;0); .st.a.count[]; ::] ] 
             , .qp.s.geom[``fill`size!(::; 0xcd0000;1.5)])



Horizontal straight line.

  • Y - vertical position of the line

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size
  • `dashed - Solid or dashed lines


Name Type Description
y symbol y position
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a bar chart

Example: Basic horizontal rules

 t: ([]x: .st.gen.normal 100000; y: .st.gen.normal 100000);

 .qp.stack (
     .qp.point[t; `x; `y] .qp.s.geom[``alpha!(::; 0x2f)];
     .qp.hline[-2] .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)];
     .qp.hline[2]  .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)])


Example: Adding in vertical rules

 .qp.stack (
     .qp.point[t; `x; `y] .qp.s.geom[``alpha!(::; 0x2f)];
     .qp.vline[0]  .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)];
     .qp.hline[-2] .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)];
     .qp.hline[2]  .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)])



Vertical interval chart - an interval between two numbers on the Y axis for each value along the X axis.

  • X - position along the horizontal
  • Y - first point of the interval
  • YEND - second point of the interval

Series can be dodged (see examples below).

Aesthetic mappings (`.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `position - `dodge
  • `gap - Gap between bars as percent of width/height (i.e., 0.03 for 3%)
  • `align - Bar alignment


Name Type Description
table table
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
yend symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table tree specifying an interval chart

Example: Load data and basic plot

      t: ([] x: `a`b`c`d`e`f`g; y1: -50+7?100; y2: 50+7?100);
      .qp.interval[t; `x; `y1; `y2; ::]


Example: Filled

      .qp.interval[t; `x; `y1; `y2]


Example: Grouped and dodged

      t:  raze {[category;num] ([] 
             c1: category; 
             c2: num?`cat1`cat2`cat3;
             x: (-2 + rand 4f) + .st.gen.normal num; 
             y: .st.gen.normal num) 
         }'[`a`b`c`d`e; 10000+5?35000];
      t: select y1: min x, y2: max x by c1, c2 from t;

      .qp.interval[t; `c1; `y1; `y2]
            .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c2]
          , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
          , .qp.s.aes[`group;`c2]
          , .qp.s.geom[``position!(::; `dodge)]


Example: Positive/negative bar charts

     t: ([]y:0; y2: (.st.gen.normal[30] % 5) + sin 3 * acos[-1] * til[30] % 30; x:til 30);
     t: update pos:y2>=0 from t;

     .qp.interval[t; `x; `y; `y2]
           .qp.s.aes[`fill; `pos]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; 01b!(0xcd4000; 0x0070cd)]


Example: Stack a moving average line

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.interval[t; `x; `y; `y2]
               .qp.s.aes[`fill; `pos]
             , .qp.s.scale[`fill; 01b!(0xcd4000; 0x0070cd)]
             , .qp.s.geom[``alpha!(::;0x7f)];
         .qp.line[update y2: 10 mavg y2 from t; `x; `y2]



Line chart - draw a line from the left to the right (in the order of the domain).

  • X - position along the X axis
  • Y - position along the Y axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size
  • `group - Grouping (break lines in categories based on this label)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size
  • `dashed - Solid or dashed line
  • `decorations - Add or remove points from the line (default: false)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a line chart

See Also: .qp.path

Example: Load data and basic chart

     t : raze { 
         ([] date: .z.d + til 800; 
             price: sums?[800?1.<0.5;-1;1];
             sym: x) 
     } each `a`b`c;

     .qp.line[select med price by date.month from t; `month; `price; ::]


Example: Change fill colour and add points

     .qp.line[select med price by date.month from t; `month; `price]
         .qp.s.geom[``fill`decorations!(::; 0x0070cd; 1b)]


Example: Group lines by symbol

     .qp.line[select med price by date.month, sym from t; `month; `price]
           .qp.s.geom[``decorations!(::; 1b)]
         , .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `sym`sym]


Example: Increase granularity and group

     .qp.line[t; `date; `price]
           .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; 0x0070cd)]
         , .qp.s.aes[`group`fill; `sym`sym]


Example: Draw a moving average over a line

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.line[select from t where sym = `a; `date; `price]
             .qp.s.geom[``fill`alpha!(::; 0x0070cd; 0x9f)];
         .qp.line[update price: 30  mavg price from select from t where sym = `a; `date; `price]
             .qp.s.geom[``fill`size!(::; 0xcd3000; 1.5)];
         .qp.line[update price: 100 mavg price from select from t where sym = `a; `date; `price]
             .qp.s.geom[``size!(::; 1.5)])



Convert a matrix of numbers into a tile grid filled by the value in each matrix cell


Name Type Description
x number[][]


      m: x mod/:x:1+til 1000;
      /=> 0 0 0 0 0 ..
      /=> 1 0 1 0 1 ..
      /=> 1 2 0 1 2 ..      
      /=> 1 2 3 0 1 ..
      /=> 1 2 3 4 0...
      /=> ...

      .qp.matrix m



Path chart - like a line chart, but drawn in order of the data rather than in order of the domain.

  • X - position along the X axis
  • Y - position along the Y axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Outline size


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a path chart

See Also: .qp.line

Example: Load data and basic chart

     t: ([] x: sin 4 * acos[-1] * %[;99] til 100; 
            y: cos 4 * acos[-1] * %[;99] til 100);

     .qp.path[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Basic example

     t: ([] x: til[100] * sin 4 * acos[-1] * %[;99] til 100; 
            y: til[100] * cos 4 * acos[-1] * %[;99] til 100;
            t: til 100);

     .qp.path[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Add fill colour mapping

     .qp.path[t; `x; `y]
           .qp.s.aes[`fill; `t]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient[`firebrick; `steelblue]]


Example: Add line size mapping

     .qp.path[t; `x; `y]
           .qp.s.aes[`fill; `t]
         , .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.gradient[`firebrick; `steelblue]]
         , .qp.s.aes[`size; `t]
         , .qp.s.scale[`size; .gg.scale.line.size[1; 6]]



Create a plot of the indicated columns from a table.

Creates a best-guess plot based on the types of the columns. If more than two columns are specified, a plot of pairs of all columns will be created.

Only the lower triangle of pairs will be plotted (this covers all relationships). The upper triangle will display the correlation of each continuous pair. If either pair is categorical, the correlation will be empty for that pair. See the examples below.


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
cs symbol[] list of columns to be visualized
settings null | dict settings for the visual (geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification table

Example: A single column - histogram

 t: ([]
     num1:  .st.gen.normal 1000; 
     num2:  {sin acos[-1] * x % max x} .st.gen.normal 1000; 
     num3:  {cos acos[-1] * x % max x} .st.gen.normal 1000; 
     cat1:  1000?5?`5;
     cat2:  1000?5?`5);

 .qp.plot[t; `num1; ::]


Example: Two columns - scatter, boxplot, or heatmap

 .qp.plot[t; `num1`num2; ::]


Example: Three columns - a grid of relationships

 .qp.plot[t; `num1`num2`cat1; ::]


Example: All columns

 .qp.plot[t; (); ::]


Example: Change fill colour

 .qp.plot[t; ()]



Scatter chart - basic point geometry.

  • X - position along the X axis
  • Y - position along the Y axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping
  • `size - Circle size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `size - Circle size
  • `shape - One of `circle`square`triangle
  • `jitterx - Jitter x position (percent of canvas)
  • `jittery - Jitter y position (percent of canvas)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a scatter chart

See Also: .qp.scatter

Example: Load data and basic chart

     t:      ([]x:10000?1.;y:10000?1.);
     t:      update z: {.gg.proj.proj[(min x;max x);0 5000000;x]} sin[x]*sin[y] from t;
     labels: ("0-1M";"1-2M";"2-3M";"3-4M";"4-5M");
     t:      update fillcol: labels("f"$1000000*til 5)?1000000 xbar z from t;

     .qp.point[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Add a fill colour

      .qp.point[t; `x; `y]


Example: Add a fil mapping

     .qp.point[t; `x; `y]
        .qp.s.aes[`fill; `fillcol]
      , .qp.s.scale[`fill; `blues]


Example: Use stroke rather than fill

     .qp.point[t; `x; `y]
        .qp.s.aes[`colour; `fillcol]
      , .qp.s.scale[`colour; `blues] 
      , .qp.s.geom[`size`alpha`colour`strokewidth!(4; 0x00; `firebrick; .5)]


Example: Adding x and/or y jitter as percentage of canvas

     t: ([]x: sums?[45?1.<0.5;-1;1]; y: sums?[45?1.<0.5;-1;1]);

     .qp.point[500#([]x:0 0 1 1;y:0 1 0 1);`x;`y] 



3D Scatter chart - basic 3D point geometry.

  • X - position along the X axis
  • Y - position along the Y axis
  • Z - position along the Z axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping
  • `size - Circle size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `size - Circle size

The default viewing angle is an isometric view. The viewing angle can be changed by using .qp.s.coord to set a new cube coordinate system with the desired azimuth and altitude.


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
z symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a 3D scatter chart

See Also: .gg.coords.cube

Example: Load data and basic chart

      t: ([]x: sums?[45?1.<0.5;-1;1]; y: sums?[45?1.<0.5;-1;1]; z: y: sums?[45?1.<0.5;-1;1]);

      .qp.point3D[t; `x; `y; `z; ::]


Example: Add a fill colour

      .qp.point3D[t; `x; `y; `z]
          .qp.s.geom[enlist[`fill]!enlist `steelblue]


Example: Change the size, opacity, and fill

      .qp.point3D[t; `x; `y; `z]
          .qp.s.geom[`size`alpha`colour`fill!(4; 0x20; `firebrick; `steelblue)]


Example: Change the viewing angle

      .qp.point3D[t; `x; `y; `z]
            .qp.s.geom[`size`fill!(3; `firebrick)]
          , .qp.s.coord[.gg.coords.cube . 2#4*atan[1]%3]


Example: Grid in multiple views

     s: {x*x};
     t: 5+`x`y`z!/:ps,'{ sin[sqrt s[x]+s y] % sqrt s[x]+s y } .' ps:({x cross x} -60+til 120) % 16;

         .qp.grid[0N 0N] (
             .qp.point3D[t; `x; `y; `z]
                 .qp.s.aes   [`fill`alpha; `z`count__] ,
                 .qp.s.geom  [``alpha`size!(::;0x7f;1)] ,
                 .qp.s.stat  [ .gg.stat.binNd[`x`y`z; ((`c;60;0);(`c;60;0);(`c;60;0)); .st.a.count[]; ``center!(::;1b)] ];
             .qp.point3D[t; `x; `y; `z]
                 .qp.s.aes[`fill`alpha; `z`count__] ,
                 .qp.s.geom  [``alpha`size!(::;0x7f;1)] ,
                 .qp.s.coord [.gg.coords.cube[neg 1%sqrt 2; 2] ] ,
                 .qp.s.stat  [ .gg.stat.binNd[`x`y`z; ((`c;60;0);(`c;60;0);(`c;60;0)); .st.a.count[]; ``center!(::;1b)] ];
                 .qp.s.geom  [``alpha`size!(::;0x7f;1)] ,
                 .qp.s.aes   [`fill;`z];
                 .qp.s.geom  [``alpha`size!(::;0x7f;1)] ,
                 .qp.s.aes   [`fill;`z])



Pie chart.

  • X - Categories to aggregate and plot (eg, select count i by X from t will be done automatically)

Aesthetic mappings supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size

A simple wrapper around the following GG for convenience:

              .qp.s.stat  [.gg.stat.pie[x; .st.a.count[]]]
            , .qp.s.aes   [`group;x]
            , .qp.s.aes   [`fill;x]
            , .qp.s.scale [`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
            , .qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.linear]
            , .qp.s.scale [`x; .gg.scale.limits[-0.0001 0.0001] .gg.scale.linear]
            , .qp.s.geom  [``position!(::;`stack)] 
            , .qp.s.coord [.gg.coords.polar]


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column of categories to pie
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a pie chart

See Also: .gg.scale.limits

Example: Load data and basic pie

      t : ([]x: raze 5#enlist 10?`5; y: 50?5; z: raze 5#'til 10);



Example: Add an explicit fill scale

      .qp.polar.pie[t;`y] .qp.s.scale[`fill; `rdylbu]



Add a polygon geometry for each record of the table. The xs and ys should be columns of nested numbers.

For example ([]xs: (1 2 3; 4 5 6); ys: (1 2 1; 3 4 3)) would define two triangles (one per record).

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `clip - Whether to omit polygons if not entirely within bounds when zooming (default true)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
xs symbol column name
ys symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table

Example: Load data and basic polygon

     t: ([]x: enlist 100 40 190 10 160; y: enlist 198 - 10 198 78 78 198);

     // Each polygon is defined by a *single* record
     .qp.polygon[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Add a stroke property and include clipped geometries when zooming

     .qp.polygon[t; `x; `y]
         .qp.s.geom[`fill`alpha`colour`clip!(`yellow; 0x80; `black; 0b)]


Example: Radar chart

     t  : raze{t:([]x:til 7;y:10+7?100;Category:x); t,first[t],(1#`x)!1#7}each `A`B;
     t2 : select x, y by Category from t;
         .qp.stack (
                   .qp.s.geom  [``alpha`colour!(::;0x30;`white)]
                 , .qp.s.scale [`y; .gg.scale.format[{.Q.a x}] .gg.scale.breaks[til 9] .gg.scale.linear]
                 , .qp.s.aes   [`fill; `Category]
                 , .qp.s.scale [`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
                 , .qp.s.coord [.gg.coords.polarn 2];
             .qp.point[t; `y; `x]
                   .qp.s.aes   [`fill; `Category]
                 , .qp.s.scale [`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10])



Create a quantile plot of a single column. Shows a distribution of values over a single variable.

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `size - Point size
  • `strokewidth - Outline size


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table

Example: Load data and basic plot

      t : ([]x: 45?100);

      .qp.quantile[t; `x; ::]



Rectangle chart - draw a rectangle given it's bounds as two points for each record.

  • X - first position along the X axis
  • Y - first position along the Y axis
  • XEND - second position along the X axis
  • YEND - second position along the Y axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
xend symbol column name
yend symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table tree specifying a segment chart

See Also: .qp.tile

Example: Load data and basic chart

     t : ([]x1: 0 10; y1: 0 10; x2: 5 15; y2: 5 15);

     .qp.rect[t; `x1; `y1; `x2; `y2; ::]


Example: Add custom geom properties

     .qp.rect[t; `x1; `y1; `x2; `y2]
            .qp.s.geom[`fill`alpha`colour`strokewidth!(`firebrick; 0x7f; `orange; 10)]


Example: Treemap

     t: ([]Sector: 10?`8;MarketValue: 10?100);
     positions: .qp.treemap.layout[t; `Sector; `MarketValue; ::];

              .qp.s.aes[`fill; `Sector] ,
              .qp.s.geom[``colour!(::; 0xffffff)]



Add a ribbon geometry - similar to an area geometry, with a defined minimum value as well rather than 0.

  • X - position along the Y axis
  • Y - first point along the vertical interval
  • YEND - second point along the vertical interval

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `group - Grouping

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
yend symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table

Example: Load data and basic chart

     t: raze { 
         ([] date: .z.d + til 800; 
             price: .st.gen.normal[800] + sums?[800?1.<0.5;-1;1];
             sym: x) 
     } each `a`b`c`d;

     .qp.ribbon[select min price, max price by date.month from t; `month; `price; `price1]
         .qp.s.geom[``fill`alpha!(::; 0x0070cd; 0xaf)]


Example: Increase granularity and add an average line

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.ribbon[select min price, max price by date from t; `date; `price; `price1]
             .qp.s.geom[``fill`alpha!(::; 0x0070cd; 0xaf)];
         .qp.line[select avg price by date from t; `date; `price; ::])


Example: Draw points outside a region

     t2: select avg[price] - 1 * dev price, avg[price] + 1 * dev price by date from t;
     d:  exec (avg[price] - 1.5 * dev price; avg[price] + 1.5 * dev price) by date from t;

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.ribbon[t2; `date; `price; `price1]
             .qp.s.geom[``fill`alpha!(::; 0x0070cd; 0xaf)];
         .qp.line[select avg price by date from t; `date; `price]
             .qp.s.geom[``fill`size!(::; `white; 2)];
         .qp.point[select from t where not price within' d[date]; `date; `price]
             .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; 0xcd3000)])


Example: split into multiple groups

     t : ([] date: til 1000; 
                  start: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1]; 
                  end: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1];
                  volume: 10+1000?10; 
                  sym: `a),
              ([] date: til 1000; 
                  start: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1]; 
                  end: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1];
                  volume: 10+1000?10; 
                  sym: `b),
              ([] date: til 1000; 
                  start: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1]; 
                  end: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1];
                  volume: 10+1000?10; 
                  sym: `c);

     .qp.ribbon[t; `date; `start; `end]
                .qp.s.aes     [`fill; `sym]
              , .qp.s.scale [`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]
              , .qp.s.aes   [`group; `sym]
              , .qp.s.geom  [``alpha!(::; 0x7f)]



Scatter chart - basic point geometry. See .qp.point.


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol column name
y symbol column name
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a scatter chart

See Also: .qp.point


Segment chart. Draw a line between two points (defined by four columns) for every record.

  • X - horizontal position of the first point
  • Y - vertical position of the first point
  • XEND - horizontal position of the last point
  • YEND - vertical position of the last point

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size
  • `dashed - Solid or dashed line


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
xend symbol x end column
yend symbol y end column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table tree specifying a segment chart

Example: Load data and basic chart

      t : ([]x1: 0 10; y1: 0 10; x2: 5 15; y2: 5 15);

      .qp.segment[t; `x1; `y1; `x2; `y2; ::]


Example: Add some geom properties

 .qp.segment[t; `x1; `y1; `x2; `y2]
     .qp.s.geom[`fill`size!(`steelblue; 10)]


Example: Step charts created using segments

 // original values
 points: ([]x:til 10;y:10?45);
 // create steps for segments
 steps:  raze {flip `x`y`x2`y2!(x`x`x2; x`y; x`x2; x`y`y2)} each 
     points,'select x2:next x, y2:next y from points;

 .qp.title["Example step chart"]
     .qp.stack (
         // step lines
         .qp.segment[steps; `x; `y; `x2; `y2; ::];
         // original points
         .qp.point[points;`x;`y] .qp.s.geom[``size`fill!(::;3;0xff0000)])


Example: Draw lines out of a single point

     t:         (0 0;) @' flip -10 + 20 20?\:20;
     quadrant:  {$[all 0<=x,y;1;(0>x)&0<=y;2;(0>x)&0>y;3;4]};
     angles:    {atan (%). abs reverse y-x}./:t;
     quadrants: {quadrant . y-x} ./: t;
     t:         update q: quadrants from `x`y`x2`y2!/:raze each t;

     .qp.segment[t; `x; `y; `x2; `y2]
         .qp.s.aes[`fill; `q] ,
         // Override the default numeric colour scale with a categorical one
         .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.colour.cat10]



Various scatterplot smoothers.

  • NOTE - loess is a local regression technique that, while flexible, can be computationally intensive. Try sampling the data first.


Name Type Description
table table
x symbol column
y symbol column
opts dict options for which smooth to use and smooth arguments
settings dict | null settings for the visual (geom/bins/etc)


Type Description
table specification table

Example: Show a line on the average price over the diamonds data

     t : ([] carat: til 100; 
             price: {[c;x]sum c*x xexp til count c}[1 4 -3 2] each til 100);

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.point[t; `carat; `price; ::];
         .qp.smooth[t; `carat; `price; `stat`degree!(`lsq;0); ::])


Example: Fit the diamonds data to a degree-3 polynomial

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.point[t; `carat; `price; ::];
         .qp.smooth[t; `carat; `price; `stat`degree!(`lsq;3); ::])


Example: Use default loess locally weighted regression on a random sample

     t : ([] carat: til 1000;
             price: sums?[1000?1.<0.5;-1;1]);

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.point[t; `carat; `price; ::];
         .qp.smooth[1000?t; `carat; `price; ::; ::])


Example: Use loess with a specified bandwidth of 0.45

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.point[t; `carat; `price; ::];
         .qp.smooth[1000?t; `carat; `price; enlist[`bandwidth]!enlist 0.45; ::])


Example: Use loess with a specified bandwidth of 0.45 and delta of 0.1 on all data (not sampled)

     .qp.stack (
         .qp.point[t; `carat; `price; ::];
         .qp.smooth[t; `carat; `price; `force`delta`bandwidth!(1b; 0.1; 0.45); ::])



Text/annotation charts. Text will be left-aligned by default, but can be changed (see examples below).

  • X - position along the X axis
  • Y - position along the Y axis

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Text size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Text size
  • `angle - Text angle
  • `offsetx - Offset from the x position in pixels
  • `offsety - Offset from the y position in pixels
  • `bold - Use bold text
  • `italic - Use italic text
  • `align - Text alignment (`left, `middle, `right)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
label symbol text column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification table for a text chart

Example: Load data and basic chart

      t: ([]x: til 45; y: 45?45);

      .qp.text[t; `x; `y; `y; ::]


Example: Add a fill colour

      .qp.text[t; `x; `y; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[enlist[`fill]!enlist `steelblue]


Example: Change the opacity mapping

      .qp.text[t; `x; `y; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[`size`fill!(8; `firebrick)]
          , .qp.s.aes[`alpha; `y]
          , .qp.s.scale[`alpha; .gg.scale.alpha[50;255]]


Example: Change the alignment to be middle aligned

      .qp.text[t; `x; `y; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[`size`fill`align!(8; `firebrick; `middle)]
          , .qp.s.aes[`alpha; `y]
          , .qp.s.scale[`alpha; .gg.scale.alpha[50;255]]



Tile plot. Default width and height is 1, but can be changed (see examples below).

  • X - left edge of the tile
  • Y - bottom of the tile

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `group - Grouping (combined with `position geom settings)

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `colour - Outline colour
  • `strokewidth - Outline size
  • `width - Width
  • `height - Height
  • `valign - Vertical alignment (`bottom`top`middle)
  • `halign - Horizontal alignment (`right`left`middle)
  • `gap - gap between tiles as percentage of width/height (for example, 0.03 for 3%)


Name Type Description
table table data to be visualized
x symbol x column
y symbol y column
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table tile plot specification

See Also: .qp.rect

Example: Load data and basic chart

      t : ([]x: 0 10; y: 0 10);

     .qp.tile[t; `x; `y; ::]


Example: Change width and height

     .qp.tile[t; `x; `y]
          .qp.s.geom[`width`height!5 5]


Example: Correlation matrix

     t:  flip raze {enlist[x]!enlist sums 1000?-1 1} each `$/:10#.Q.a;
     t2: `x`y`r!/:{ x ,' (cor) .' t x } (cross) . 2#enlist cols t;

     .qp.tile[t2; `x; `y]
         .qp.s.aes[`fill; `r] ,
         .qp.s.scale[`fill; .gg.scale.limits[-1 1] .gg.scale.colour.gradient2[0f; `red; 0xcbcbcb; 0x0070cd]]



Directed lines - draw a line from one point to another with an arrow indicating direction.

  • X - horizontal position of the first point
  • Y - vertical position of the first point
  • XEND - horizontal position of the last point
  • YEND - vertical position of the last point

This geometry is composes .qp.segment and .qp.point. See the help pages for those geometries for which aesthetics and geom options can be passed to each.


Name Type Description
t table data to be visualized
x1 symbol x column
y1 symbol y column
x2 symbol x column
y2 symbol y column
segsettings dict | null settings for the arrow
nodesettings dict | null settings for the line segment


Type Description
table specification table for a vector geometry

See Also: .qp.point

Example: Basic vectors

      t : ([]x1: 0 10; y1: 0 10; x2: 5 15; y2: 5 15; c:2?`8);

     .qp.vector[5?t; `x1; `y1; `x2; `y2; ::; ::]


Example: Styled vectors

     .qp.vector[t; `x1; `y1; `x2; `y2; 
         .qp.s.aes[`fill; `c] , .qp.s.geom[``dashed!(::;1b)];


Example: Network

     c  : `a`b`c`d`e`f`g`h`i;
     t  : `a`b!/:raze{-1_x ,' next x} each 0N 3#c;
     t ,: `a`b!/:raze{-1_x ,' next x} each flip 0N 3#c;

     layout:[t; `a; `b; ::];




Vertical straight line.

  • X - horizontal position of the line

Aesthetic mappings (.qp.s.aes, dynamic) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size

Geometry settings (.qp.s.geom, static) supported:

  • `fill - Fill colour
  • `alpha - Opacity
  • `size - Line size
  • `dashed - Solid or dashed lines


Name Type Description
x symbol x position
settings dict | null settings for the visual (theme/geom/etc)


Type Description
table specification tree for a bar chart

Example: Basic vertical rules

 t: ([]x: .st.gen.normal 100000; y: .st.gen.normal 100000);

 .qp.stack (
     .qp.point[t; `x; `y] .qp.s.geom[``alpha!(::; 0x2f)];
     .qp.vline[-2] .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)];
     .qp.vline[2]  .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)])


Example: Adding in horizontal rules

 .qp.stack (
     .qp.point[t; `x; `y] .qp.s.geom[``alpha!(::; 0x2f)];
     .qp.hline[0]  .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)];
     .qp.vline[-2] .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)];
     .qp.vline[2]  .qp.s.geom[``fill!(::; `red)])
