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PCRE regular expressions (.pcre)

An API for PCRE in q.

This library has been deprecated in favour of .pcre2. It provides access to PCRE (, with a library for PCRE2 also available.

PCRE options

Multiple options can be used when compiling a pattern either via the defined bitmaps or by passing in the appropriate symbol(s):

.pcre.compile2["pattern"; .pcre.PCRE_CASELESS | .pcre.PCRE_MULTILINE]

Below is a list of available options. For more information about these options, please visit the PCRE website or read the PCRE manual.

  • .pcre.PCRE_DOTALL
  • .pcre.PCRE_EXTRA
  • .pcre.PCRE_NOTBOL
  • .pcre.PCRE_NOTEOL
  • .pcre.PCRE_UTF8
  • .pcre.PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK
  • .pcre.PCRE_PARTIAL
  • .pcre.PCRE_UCP

PCRE examples

Example 1: simple input strings

Here is an example of creating a pattern, using the pattern to check for a match, and freeing the pattern.

index: 0;
options: 0;

pattern: .pcre.compile2["a*b"; 0];
result: .pcre.execute[pattern; 0Ni; "abc"; index; options];[pattern];
show result;

/=> 1i
/=> 0 2i

For dfa_exec, one would need to pass two additional parameters (oVector and workspace). If either is insufficiently large, dfa_exec will return an appropriate error. For most cases, vectors of 1000 elements should be sufficient.

index: 0;
options: 0;
oVector: 1000#0Ni;
workspace: 1000#0Ni;

pattern: .pcre.compile2["a*b"; 0];
result: .pcre.dfa_exec[pattern; 0Ni; "abc"; index; options; oVector; workspace];[pattern];
show result;

/=> 1i
/=> 0 2i

Example 2: vector input strings

Here is an example of creating a pattern and saving it as a variable, using the pattern to check for a match, and freeing the pattern.

index: 0;
options: 0;

pattern: .pcre.compile2["a*c"; 0];
result: .pcre.execute[pattern; 0Ni; ("abc"; "def"; "ghi"); index; options];[pattern];
show result;

/=> 1    -1      -1
/=> 2 3i `int$() `int$()

For dfa_exec, one would need to pass two additional parameters (oVector and workspace). If either is insufficiently large, dfa_exec will return an appropriate error. For most cases, vectors of 1000 elements should be sufficient.

index: 0;
options: 0;
oVector: 1000#0Ni;
workspace: 1000#0Ni;

pattern: .pcre.compile2["a*c"; 0];
result: .pcre.dfa_exec[pattern; 0Ni; ("abc"; "def"; "ghi"); index; options; oVector; workspace];[pattern];
show result;

/=> 1    -1      -1
/=> 2 3i `int$() `int$()

Example 3: helper function example

The regex helper function simplifies the compile, execute, and free tasks into a single function call. For repeated executions, this may be much slower than pre-compiling and re-using the compiled information.

show .pcre.regex["a*b"; 0; "aab"];

/=> "aab"

Example 4: using options

Options can be passed to the appropriate PCRE function. If multiple options are required, they are simply or-ed together and passed into the function.

index: 0;

options: .pcre.PCRE_CASELESS | .pcre.PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY;
pattern: .pcre.compile2["a*c"; options];
result: .pcre.execute[pattern; 0Ni; "abc"; index; options];[pattern];
show result;

/=> -3i
/=> `int$()

You can also include the options as a parameter to the function call:

index: 0;

pattern: .pcre.compile2["a*c"; .pcre.PCRE_CASELESS | .pcre.PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY];
result: .pcre.execute[pattern; 0Ni; "abc"; index; 0];[pattern];

show result;

/=> 1i
/=> 2 3i

Example 5: using the JIT

Support is provided for JIT optimizations. To use the JIT, one must compile the function using pcre.compile2 and then pass the compilation to to generate an optimized structure. This structure is then passed as an extra parameter to either .pcre.execute or .pcre.dfa\_exec.

compiled: .pcre.compile2["s*g"; 0];
extra: [compiled; .pcre.PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE];
result: .pcre.execute [compiled; extra; "some string to search"; 0; 0];

show result;

/=> 1i
/=> 10 11i

Example 6: compiling with an error

Compiling with an error from unmatched parentheses:

show .pcre.compile2["(a*b"; 0];

/=> 0x0000000000000000
/=> 14i
/=> "missing )"
/=> 4i

For more information on PCRE, please visit the following resources


ERROR CODES. These are returned from various PCRE calls


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

pre-compile a pattern so it can be more efficiently used multiple times


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
options Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options


Type Description
String | (byte[]; int; string; int) A string containing the error message, if there is one. Otherwise, A pointer to the compiled pattern, the error code (0 if there is no error), the error message ("" if there is no error), the error position (0 if there is no error)


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

pre-compile a pattern so it can be more efficiently used multiple times


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
options Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options


Type Description
(byte[]; int; string; int) A pointer to the compiled pattern, the error code (0 if there is no error), the error message ("" if there is no error), the error position (0 if there is no error)


Constants used by PCRE


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Runs a compiled pattern against a string, or list of strings


Name Type Description
compiled *[] The result of running .pcre2.compiled2
extra Boolean | Int The result of running, or 0Ni otherwise
input String | String[] The string(s) to search for the pattern
index Long The offset to start searching from
options Boolean[] | Int A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options
outputVector Int[] A list where each element is 0Ni, for most cases, 1000 elements should be sufficient
workspace Int[] A list where each element is 0Ni, for most cases, 1000 elements should be sufficient


Type Description
(int; int[]) | (int[]; int[][]) When the input is a string, the first value is the number of pairs in the second element, and the second element is a vector of start/end pairs for the whole regex, followed by the captured groups. -1 -1 indicates a capture group that did not match. When the input is a list of strings, each element becomes a vector holding the results for each string in the input


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Find the first substring that matches the regex


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
compileOptions Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options
input String | String[] The string(s) to search for the pattern


Type Description
String The first substring that matches the regex


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Return the first substring that matches the regex


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
compileOptions Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options
input String | String[] The string(s) to search for the pattern


Type Description
String[] | String[][] For each input, an enlisted string where the first is the substring matching the regex. Inputs with no matches return ().


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Runs a compiled pattern against a string, or list of strings


Name Type Description
compiled *[] The result of running .pcre2.compiled2
extra Byte[] The result of running, or 0Ni otherwise
input String | String[] The string(s) to search for the pattern
index Long The offset to start searching from
options Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options


Type Description
(int; int[]) | (int[]; int[][]) When the input is a string, the first value is the number of pairs in the second element, and the second element is a vector of start/end pairs for the whole regex, followed by the capture groups. -1 -1 indicates a capture group that did not match. When the input is a list of strings, each element becomes a vector holding the results for each string in the input

Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Frees the memory used by compiling a pattern


Name Type Description
compiled *[] The result of .pcre.compile2


Type Description


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Pulls the compiled regex out of the "matches" projection and frees it


Name Type Description
projection fn A projection returned by the matches function


Type Description


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Frees the memory used by studying a pattern


Name Type Description
extra *[] The result of


Type Description


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Get info on a compiled pattern


Name Type Description
compiled *[] The result of running .pcre2.compiled2
info int The property to query


Type Description
(int; *) The error code (0 for success), and the value of the property


JIT specific options


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Find substrings matching the regex


Name Type Description
compiled *[] A compiled regex
input char | string Text to find matches inside it
index int Start index to look for match in input
options Boolean[] | () A value defined in matchOptions constants, or () for the defaults


Type Description
(int; int[]) | (int[]; int[][]) When the input is a string, the first value is the number of pairs in the second element, and the second element is a vector of start/end pairs for the whole regex, followed by the capture groups. -1 -1 indicates a capture group that did not match. When the input is a list of strings, each element becomes a vector holding the results for each string in the input


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Find all matching substrings for a given pattern


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
compileOptions Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options
runOptions Boolean[] | () A bitmask of options, or the empty list () for no options


Type Description
fn A function that takes a string, and returns a list of (string; long; long) triples holding the matching substring, start position, and end position


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Bindings to the PCRE C functions


Type Description


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Find the first substring in each input matching the pattern


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
compileOptions Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options
input String | String[] The string(s) to search for the pattern


Type Description
String | String[] | () The matching substring, () if there is no match, or a vector of these if the input is a list of strings


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Return the first substring that matches the regex, and the matches for the capture groups


Name Type Description
pattern String A regex pattern
compileOptions Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options
input String | String[] The string(s) to search for the pattern


Type Description
String[] | String[][] For each input, a list of strings where the first is the substring matching the regex, and the following strings match the capture groups. Inputs with no matches return ()

Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

This does a JIT study of the pattern, and returns a pattern to use as the “extra” parameter to .pcre.exec or .pcre.dfa_exec.


Name Type Description
compiled String The result of compiling a pattern with .pcre.compile2
options Boolean[] | Long A bitmask of options, or 0 for no options


Type Description
Byte[] A pointer to the JIT compiled pattern


Requested types for .pcre.fullinfo


Deprecated: .pcre is deprecated, use .pcre2 instead

Returns the current PCRCE version


Type Description
String The current PCRE version