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Q build utilities

Some libraries are made available as scripts to aid in using these outside the Developer UI. These scripts make the use of these libraries much easier within automated build systems.

The libraries currently available as scripts include:

  • qdoc - q documentation generator
  • qlint - q static code linter
  • qcumber - q unit and property test framework
  • axrepo - convert Developer kxscm/ repositories to q script files

Instead of starting a q process and using \l to load the library, any of the above libraries which are loaded directly when starting q will treat the library as a command line script. See the libraries overview for the associated script files and necessary environment variables.

Environment variables

The environment variable used here is for the separate release of Developer libraries packaged in If using Developer as part of the KX Platform, rather than $AXLIBRARIES_HOME you would use $DEVELOPER_HOME to point to the Platform Developer install location.

On Windows PATH must include the lib directory

Windows requires all .dll files to be contained within the PATH environment variable. After moving the contents of ws/lib/win_x64/* to ws/lib add the ws/lib directory to the end of the PATH variable. set "PATH=%PATH%;%AXLIBRARIES_HOME%\ws\lib"

Running any library script with the -help flag will output help text. For example:

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qcumber.q_ -help

The output of the -help flag for each script is included below for convenience. Optional flags are enclosed in [].

qdoc - documentation generation

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qdoc.q_ -help

qDoc: q documentation generator

Usage: q qdoc.q_ <flags>

   -help               - display this help
   -src   <dir/file>   - path to q scripts to document (allows multiple -src flags)
   -out   <dir>        - path to store generated documentation
   [-render]           - configure markdown files to be used with mkdocs renderer
   [-map <from>:<to>]  - use a non-default tag name, i.e., -map description:fileoverview
   [-exclude] <regex>  - items with a name matching the regex will not be documented
   [-index]   <file>   - use this as the index file when rendering markdown using mkdocs
   [-group]   <option> - (default category) use this to change item groupings in markdown files
                           - supported options: category, subcategory
   [-docprivate]       - (default off) include items with an @private tag
   [-docempty]         - (default off) include items that have no qdoc tags
   [-doctodo]          - (default off) include items that have @todo tags
   [-norecurse]        - (default off) do not recurse into subdirectories looking for q scripts
   [-version]          - print the library version

qlint - q static linter

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qlint.q_ -help

qLint: q source code linter

Usage: q qlint.q_ <flags>

    -help               - display this help
    -src     <dir/file> - path to q script(s)
    [-out]   <dir>      - path to a file to store results
                            - files supported: .json, .csv, .dat (q serialized)
    [-level] <level>    - (default info) lint level - one of error, warning, info
    [-version]          - print the library version

qcumber - test framework

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qcumber.q_ -help

qCumber: q test runner

Usage: q qcumber.q_ <flags>

    -help                - display this help
    -src      <dir>      - path to a q script to load before running tests
    -test     <dir/file> - path to a quke file or directory of quke files to test
    [-out]    <dir>      - path to a file to store results
                           files supported: .json, .xml (junit), .dat (q: get `:file.dat)
    [-insert] <key=val>  - add columns to the output: col1=val1,col2=val2,... 
    [-times]  <number>   - number of times to run each property block
    [-color]             - colorize the output
    [-showAll]           - print passed and skipped tests as well as failures to stdout
    [-quiet]             - do not print any results to stdout
    [-reporter] <file.q> - custom report from a q file defining a function 'write[file; results]'
    [-errorsAsFailures]          - convert all errors to failures in final output
                                   useful for systems which only look at 'failure'
    [-exitFailuresWith] <number> - exit code to use when script terminates and there are failing tests
                                   defaults to '1'
    [-breakOnErrors]             - propagate errors in unit tests to facilitate debugging
    [-version]                   - print the library version

Example: using in automated builds

This example demonstrates the use of the above script utilities in an example build of a repository version-controlled in Developer kxscm/ format. The example here would work equivalently with a repository version-controlled as regular q scripts, simply by skipping the axrepo.q_ conversion step (step 3 below).

The following outlines a build-and-test workflow of the above repositories outside of the Developer UI.

Step 1: set up environment variables

As outlined in the libraries overview, the environment variables pointing to Developer must be set.

Step 2: clone the repositories

$ git clone <origin>/project-src

Step 3: convert to q scripts

If using modules in Developer, the artifacts are saved in a custom kxscm format which stores each function and data item separately. When releasing the project, this format needs to be converted to q scripts rather than the custom kxscm structure. axrepo.q_ will perform this conversion.

Script format

This step would not be required if the repositories were already in script format (i.e., not using Developer modules).

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/axrepo.q_ -src ./project-src -out ./workspace/out/project-src

The above commands create a workspace/out/ directory with the contents of the repositories as regular q scripts and files.

Step 4: lint the sources

Linting helps identify errors in q scripts statically. In many cases, error level issues identify problems in the script that would cause some form of error at runtime. We can run the linter and generate a report by running the below:

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qlint.q_ \
    -src ./workspace/out/project-src/ \
    -out ./workspace/reports/lint.dat

The above creates a workspace/reports/ directory, and saves the result of linting all q files and qcumber tests in the out directory in a q serialized file lint.dat. We save to a file to aid in processing a final report after all steps of this automation have been completed.

Alternatively, if running interactively, it's also possible to retrieve a readable output if the out flag is not specified, shown below.

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qlint.q_ -src ./workspace/out/project-src

Starting qLint: q source code linter

Linting q sources: workspace/out/

    workspace/out/project-src/.math.geo.q:27  -  unreachable_code  ": c"

    workspace/out/project-test/.math.geo.test/benchmark.quke:3  -  redundant_global_assign  ".math.cities"
    workspace/out/project-test/.math.geo.test/benchmark.quke:8  -  redundant_global_assign  ".math.table"
    workspace/out/project-test/.math.geo.test/haversine.quke:3  -  redundant_global_assign  ".math.cities"

Step 5: run the tests

All qcumber tests can be run by pointing qcumber.q_ to the top-level q script and test directory. The script pointed to by the -src flag will be loaded before running any tests.

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qcumber.q_ \
    -src ./workspace/out/project-src/load.q \
    -test ./workspace/out/project-src/ \
    -out ./workspace/reports/test.dat

A report will be created next to the lint report as a q serialized file. Again, if running interactively, it's also possible to retrieve a readable output if the out flag is not specified.

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qcumber.q_ \
    -src ./workspace/out/project-src/load.q \
    -test workspace/out/project-src/

Starting qCumber: q test runner

Loading src: workspace/out/project-src/.math/load.q
Running tests: workspace/out/project-src

file benchmark.quke
    feature benchmark
        (bench) basic query performance
            - fail

file haversine.quke
    feature haversine
        (should) handle extreme coordinates
            - fail | (expect) it to "wrap around" the international date line
            - fail | (expect) the distance between poles to be half the Earth's circumference

        (should) work for a variety of coordinate pairs
            - fail | (expect) a specific result

27 tests passed
1 benchmark failed
3 tests failed
0 tests skipped

Step 6: generate documentation

Finally, once the linter and tests are passing, accompanying documentation can be generated if using qdoc annotations. The qdoc.q_ utility can generate Markdown or mkdocs-compatible output.

MkDocs is not provided with KX Developer

mkdocs is a Markdown to HTML converter which can be installed by following the instructions at . Other Markdown to HTML converters may be used in place of MkDocs, however not all converters support the same Markdown syntax and the HTML output may not be as desired.

$ q $AXLIBRARIES_HOME/ws/qdoc.q_ \
    -src ./workspace/out/project-src/ \
    -out ./workspace/qdoc -render

Since the -render flag was given, the output in ./workspace/qdoc/doc will be an MkDocs-ready directory. With mkdocs installed, running mkdocs serve would generate the following output.

If using MkDocs output, it is up to the user to use MkDocs to build the final HTML documentation, or package in any other way desired.


Following this example, the following directory structure has been created.

  • the out directory contains the converted kxscm repositories as q scripts
  • the qdoc directory contains both Markdown and an mkdocs-ready site
  • the reports directory contains the results of the qcumber tests and the qlint static linting
$ tree -a workspace

├── out
│   └── project-src
│       ├── .math
│       │   └── load.q
│       ├── .math.geo.q
│       ├── .math.geo.test
│       │   ├── benchmark.quke
│       │   └── haversine.quke
│       ├── .math.geo.test.q
│       ├── .math.q
│       ├── .math.trig.q
│       ├── .math.trig.test
│       │   ├── atan2.quke
│       │   ├── degToRad.quke
│       │   └── square.quke
│       └── .math.trig.test.q
├── qdoc
│   ├── doc
│   │   ├── docs
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── mkdocs.yml
│   └── md
│       └──
└── reports
    ├── lint.dat
    └── test.dat