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How to use an Index in KDB.AI

This page describes how to use indexes in KDB.AI and key parameters that can be tailored to specific use cases.

Tip: For the best experience, we recommend reading about KDB.AI indexes first.

Index comparison

Retrieval speed Low Low Very high Very high Moderate High
Indexing speed Very high Very high Low Low Moderate Moderate
Accuracy Highest Highest Balanced & tunable Balanced & tunable Balanced & tunable Balanced & tunable
Memory used High Very low Very high Low High Moderate
Storage Memory Disk Memory Disk Memory Memory

HNSW, qHNSW, IVF, and IVFPQ can be configured with different hyper-parameters to optimize memory usage, retrieval speed, and accuracy. Generally, HNSW indexes are both fast and accurate but require a lot of memory. On the other hand, IVF indexes tend to be slower and less accurate but are more memory-efficient, especially the product quantized version, IVFPQ.


The Flat search performs an exhaustive search against all vectors in the search space. You can configure it with a number of distance metrics. As the search is exhaustive, it finds the exact nearest neighbors without approximations.

Build parameters

Option Description Type Required Default
dims Number of dimensions long true 8
indexes = [
        'name': 'flat_index',
        'column': 'embeddings',
        'type': 'flat',
        'params': {'dims': 25}
    "indexes": [
            "name": "flat_index",
            "column": "embeddings",
            "type": "flat",
            "params": {"dims": 25}
flatIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`flat_index;`embeddings;`flat;enlist[`dims]!enlist 25)
indexes: enlist flat_index

Create table example: Flat index

schema = [
            {'name': 'id', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'tag', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'text', 'pytype': 'bytes'},
            {'name': 'embeddings', 'type': 'float32s'}

flat_index = [
                'name': 'vectorIndex',
                'type': 'flat',
                'column': 'embeddings',
                'params': {'dims': 1536, 'metric': 'L2'},
# get the database connection. Default database name is 'default'
db = session.database('default')

# create the table
table = db.create_table('documents', schema=schema, indexes=flat_index)

Storage: the Flat index is stored in-memory.


The qFlat search performs an exhaustive search against all vectors in the search space. You can configure it with a number of distance metrics. As the search is exhaustive, it finds the exact nearest neighbors without approximations.

When to use qFlat?

The qFlat index is the Flat index stored on-disk instead of in-memory. Use qFlat for:

  • Situations when you would use Flat, but memory is limited
  • Low-dimensional data
  • Small-scale databases
  • Simple querying
  • Real-time data ingestion
  • Low-query volume

Build parameters

Option Description Type Required Default
dims Number of dimensions long true 8
indexes = [
        'name': 'qflat_index',
        'column': 'embeddings',
        'type': 'qFlat',
        'params': {'dims': 25}
    "indexes": [
            "name": "qflat_index",
            "column": "embeddings",
            "type": "qFlat",
            "params": {"dims": 25}
qFlatIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`qflat_index;`embeddings;`qFlat;enlist[`dims]!enlist 25)
indexes: enlist qFlatIndex 

Create table example: qFlat index

schema = [
            {'name': 'id', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'tag', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'text', 'pytype': 'bytes'},
            {'name': 'embeddings', 'type': 'float32s'}

qflat_index = [
                'name': 'vectorIndex',
                'type': 'qFlat',
                'column': 'embeddings',
                'params': {'dims': 25, 'metric': 'L2'},
# get the database connection. Default database name is 'default'
db = session.database('default')

# create the table
table = db.create_table('documents', schema=schema, indexes=qflat_index)


A Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) index establishes connections between vertices in the graph based on their distances. These links are instrumental in enabling efficient traversal and navigation through the hierarchical graph during the search process.

The HNSW index can be searched to navigate through the layers of the graph to find increasingly similar data in the graph. This approach is extremely efficient with search performance a measure of the complexity of the graph.

Build parameters

Option Description Type Required Default
dims Number of dimensions long true 8
efConstruction           Number of nodes at each step of the graph construction. int false 8
M Valence of each node in graph int false 8

Search parameters

  • index_options at search() (and dense_index_options at hybrid_search())
Option Description Type Required Default
efSearch Nodes considered at each step (search) int false 8

For optimal balance between accuracy and performance, choose a value of 2 - 10 times your k for efSearch. As a rule, increase the value for higher accuracy at the cost of slower search times.

For coding example of using the argument index_options at search(), see the Python API Client page, see the Python API Client page.

indexes = [
        'name': 'hnsw_index',
        'column': 'embeddings',
        'type': 'hnsw',
        'params': { 'dims': 25, 'efConstruction': 8, 'M': 8, 'metric': 'L2'}}
    "indexes": [
            "name": "hnsw_index",
            "column": "embeddings",
            "type": "hnsw",
            "params": { "dims": 25, "efConstruction": 8, "M": 8, "metric": "L2"}}
hnswIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`hnsw_index;`embeddings;`hnsw;`dims`M`efConstruction!(25;8;8))
indexes: enlist hnswIndex 

Create table example: HNSW index

schema = [
            {'name': 'id', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'tag', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'text', 'pytype': 'bytes'},
            {'name': 'embeddings', 'type': 'float32s'}

hnsw_index = [
                'name': 'vectorIndex',
                'type': 'hnsw',
                'column': 'embeddings',
                'params': { 'dims': 25,
                            'efConstruction': 8,
                            'M': 8,
                            'metric': 'L2'},
# get the database connection. Default database name is 'default'
db = session.database('default')

# create the table
table = db.create_table('documents', schema=schema, indexes=hnsw_index)

Tip: memory considerations

Indexes like HNSW require a lot of memory and might cause issues on KDB.AI Cloud instances. If memory runs low, we recommend alternative indexes like qFlat, qHNSW, or IVF-PQ.


The q Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (qHNSW) index establishes connections between vertices in the graph based on their distances. These links are instrumental in enabling efficient traversal and navigation through the hierarchical graph during the search process.

The qHNSW index can be searched to navigate through the layers of the graph to find increasingly similar data in the graph. This approach is extremely efficient with search performance a measure of the complexity of the graph.

When to use qHNSW?

The qHNSW index is the HNSW index stored on-disk instead of in-memory. Use qHNSW for:

  • Situations when you would use HNSW, but memory is limited
  • Medium-Large scale datasets
  • Good accuracy
  • High-dimensional data (hundred or thousands of dimensions)
  • Efficient nearest neighbor search for:

    • recommendation systems
    • content-based image retrieval
    • NLP tasks
  • Approximate nearest neighbor search when looking for cost reduction

  • Large-scale databases
  • Real-time and dynamic data
  • Highly resourced environments (distributed and parallel computing)

Build parameters

Option Description Type Required Default
dims Number of dimensions long true 8
efConstruction            Number of nodes at each step of the graph construction. int false 8
M Valence of each node in graph int false 8

Search parameters

  • index_options at search() (and dense_index_options at hybrid_search())
Option Description Type Required Default
efSearch Nodes considered at each step (search) int false 8

For optimal balance between accuracy and performance, choose a value of 2 - 10 times your k for efSearch. As a rule, increase the value for higher accuracy at the cost of slower search times.

For coding example of using the argument index_options at search(), see the Python API Client page, see the Python API Client page.

index = [
        'name': 'qhnsw_index',
        'column': 'embeddings',
        'type': 'qHnsw',
        'params': { 'dims': 25, 'efConstruction': 8, 'M': 8, 'metric': 'L2'}}
    "indexes": [
            "name": "qhnsw_index",
            "column": "embeddings",
            "type": "qHnsw",
            "params": { "dims": 25, "efConstruction": 8, "M": 8, "metric": "L2"}}
qhnswIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`qhnsw_index;`embeddings;`qHnsw;`dims`M`efConstruction!(25;8;8))
indexes: enlist qhnswIndex 

Create table example: qHnsw index

schema = [
            {'name': 'id', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'tag', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'text', 'pytype': 'bytes'},
            {'name': 'embeddings', 'type': 'float32s'}

qhnsw_index = [
                'name': 'vectorIndex',
                'type': 'qHnsw',
                'column': 'embeddings',
                'params': {
                            'dims': 25,
                            'efConstruction': 8,
                            'M': 8,
                            'metric': 'L2'},
# get the database connection. Default database name is 'default'
db = session.database('default')

# create the table
table = db.create_table('documents', schema=schema, indexes=qhnsw_index)


When using an Inverted File (IVF) search, first you train the index on a set of points that are used to generate cluster centroids using a k-means algorithm. The data is not partitioned into a cluster based on centroid distance. The search is performed by running a flat search against the most relevant clusters. As only a subset of the data is searched, the results are returned much quicker, but as a consequence can be less accurate.

Build parameters

Option Description Type Required Default
nclusters      Number of clusters into which the data is divided. int false 8

Search parameters

  • index_options at search() (and dense_index_options at hybrid_search())
Option Description Type Required Default
clusters     The number of clusters to be traversed in the search int false 2

Training is required to initialize the IVF index.

indexes = [
        'name': 'ivf_index',
        'column': 'embeddings',
        'type': 'ivf',
        'params': { 'nclusters': 10, 'metric': 'CS'}}
    "indexes": [
            "name": "ivf_index",
            "column": "embeddings",
            "type": "ivf",
            "params": { "nclusters": 10, "metric": "CS"}}
ivfIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`ivf_index;`embeddings;`ivf;enlist[`nclusters]!enlist 10)
indexes: enlist ivfIndex 

Create table example: IVF index

schema = [
            {'name': 'id', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'tag', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'text', 'pytype': 'bytes'},
            {'name': 'embeddings', 'type': 'float32s'}

ivf_index = [
                'name': 'vectorIndex',
                'type': 'ivf',
                'column': 'embeddings',
                'params': {'nclusters': 10, 'metric': 'CS'},
# get the database connection. Default database name is 'default'
db = session.database('default')

# create the table
table = db.create_table('documents', schema=schema, indexes=ivf_index)


You can compress input data using the product quantization method before applying the IVF schema above. This is known as Inverted File Product Quantization (IVFPQ). IVFPQ can greatly reduce the size of the index held in memory and improve search speeds. For configuring the IVFPQ index to balance between search accuracy and efficiency, use these parameters:

Build parameters

Option Description Type Required Default
nclusters       Number of clusters into which the data is divided. Clustering helps to reduce the search space by grouping similar data points together. int false 8
nsplits Number of splits or partitions of the data. Each split is quantized separately, which helps in managing large datasets more efficiently. int false 8
nbits Number of bits used for encoding each sub-vector in the product quantization process. It determines the precision of the quantization. int false 8

Search parameters

  • index_options at search() (and dense_index_options at hybrid_search())
Option Description Type Required Default
clusters The number of clusters to be traversed in the search int false 2

Training is required, to initialize the IVFPQ index.

indexes = [
        'name': 'ivf_index',
        'column': 'embeddings',
        'type': 'ivf',
        'params': {'nclusters': 10, 'metric': 'CS', 'nsplits': 8, 'nbits': 8}}
    "indexes": [
            "name": "ivf_index",
            "column": "embeddings",
            "type": "ivf",
            "params": {"nclusters": 50, "metric": "CS", "nsplits": 8, "nbits": 8}}
ivfpqIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`ivfpq_index;`embeddings;`ivfpq;`nclusters`nsplits`nbits!(50;8;8))
indexes: enlist ivfpqIndex 

Create table example: IVFPQ index

schema = [
            {'name': 'id', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'tag', 'pytype': 'str'},
            {'name': 'text', 'pytype': 'bytes'},
            {'name': 'embeddings', 'type': 'float32s'}

ivfpq_index = [
                'name': 'vectorIndex',
                'type': 'ivfpq',
                'column': 'embeddings',
                'params': { 'metric': 'L2',
                            'nclusters': 50,
                            'nsplits': 8,
                            'nbits': 8},
# get the database connection. Default database name is 'default'
db = session.database('default')

# create the table
table = db.create_table('documents', schema=schema, indexes=ivfpq_index)

Multiple indexes

In KDB.AI, you can optimize your queries by adding multiple indexes to a single table (at table creation time), each of which can be associated with an embedding column. This feature is particularly useful for handling diverse datasets and improving query performance. Here’s a breakdown of how to use multiple indexes:

  • Multiple indexes can share the same embedding column, so there’s no need to duplicate the embeddings, saving storage and maintaining efficiency. For instance, you might have:

    • A fast HNSW index with parameters m: 8 and ef construction: 16 for quick searches.
    • A more accurate but slower HNSW index with parameters m: 64 and ef construction: 512.
  • Assign weights to different indexes during searches to fine-tune result ranking based on the importance of various data aspects. This feature allows for more precise and relevant search outcomes.

Important! The sum of all weights must be equal to 1.