This page contains the references for KDB.AI's q API. For example usage, see the Quickstart Guide.
KDB.AI q API allows KDB.AI Server users to achieve the following:
- Load and use existing kdb+ datasets in KDB.AI.
- Apply KDB.AI functionalities to external kdb+ datasets.
KDB.AI is a high-performance vector database designed to manage real-time, unstructured data and power AI applications with advanced search, recommendation, and personalization features.
Kdb+ is a high-performance time-series database widely used in industries like finance for managing large datasets, particularly time-sensitive data. It is built to handle vast amounts of structured data efficiently. The q programming language is an integral part of kdb+ as its query language, designed for working with complex, high-speed analytics on large datasets. Q provides a concise syntax and is optimized for the operations typical in kdb+, such as querying and manipulating time-series data.
Before you start, make sure you have the following:
- Access to KDB.AI Server.
- Knowledge of writing q code using an environment of choice (command line, IDE, notebooks).
Retrieve version info from server and compatible client min/max version.
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success. version info is returned. | serverVersion clientMinVersion`clientMaxVersion!("1.4.0";"1.4.0";"latest") |
N/A |
Error: KDBAI is not available. | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Create, delete, and retrieve databases.
In KDB.AI, a database is a collection of tables which stores related data.
Key principles for database management
To simplify database design/management and prevent naming conflicts, follow the principles below:
- Unique database names: Each database must have a unique name and can contain multiple tables.
- Unique table names within a database: Tables within a database must have unique names, but different databases can contain tables with the same name. This is similar to the concept of namespaces.
- Cascade deletion: When deleting a database, all child entities (tables) will also be deleted.
- Default database: You don't need to create a database to create tables. If you create a table without specifying a database, it will be placed in a default, undeletable database.
Create a database.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database to create. | Yes |
Database name rules
- Max length is 128 characters
- Must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore
- Must start with an alpha character
`gw set hopen 8082;
gw(`createDatabase;enlist[`database]!enlist `myDatabaseName)
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Database is created and returned | success resulterror!(1b;( name!`tableName);()) |
N/A |
Fail: Database name is not unique | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} already exists" |
A database with the given name already exists. Create a database with another name. |
Fail: Database name is not a valid name | success result`error!0b;();"database name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the database name. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Retrieve database with a given name.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database to be retrieved | Yes |
`gw set hopen 8082;
gw(`getDatabase;enlist[`database]!enlist `myDatabaseName)
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Database with given name is found | success resulterror!1b; database`tables!{databasename};{list of table metadata (see at get table)};() |
N/A |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Retrieve list of databases in ascending order.
`gw set hopen 8082;
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Returns list of database names and default db included | success result`error!1b;[get database names];() |
N/A |
Error: Databases cannot be listed because KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Delete database with a given name and all associated tables.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database to be deleted. | Yes |
`gw set hopen 8082;
gw(`deleteDatabase;enlist[`database]!enlist `myDatabaseName)
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Database with given name has been deleted | success result`error!1b;();() |
N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Default database cannot be deleted, (see database API section intro) | success result`error!0b;();"Default database cannot be deleted" |
Remove the tables from the database individually as required. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Create, delete, update, and retrieve tables.
Create a table.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database. | Yes |
table | symbol | Name of the table to create. | Yes |
externalDataReferences | string list | Should contain the keys: - path (path to the existing kdb+ table mounted in our Docker container) - provider (set to kx ) WARNING: the name of the table should match the name of the target table in the existing kdb+ database. |
No |
schema | list of dictionary | Schema details for the table. | Yes - if externalDataReferences is not specified |
indexes | list of dictionary | List of index definitions | No |
partitionColumn | symbol | Column name to partition on | No |
embeddingConfigurations | dictionary | Should be keyed by embedding column name | No |
Table name rules
- Max length is 128 characters
- Must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore
- Must start with an alpha character
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Create table partitioned on date with flat index on the embeddings column
indexes:(enlist `flat;enlist `embeddings;enlist `flat;enlist `dims`metric!(25;`CS));
p:(!). flip ((`database;`default);
(`schema;flip `name`type!(`date`tag`val`embeddings;`d`s`j`E));
(`indexes;flip `name`column`type`params!indexes));
// Create table from external table partitioned on date with flat index on the embeddings column
ref:enlist `path`provider`type!("/tmp/kx/remote";`kx);
indexes:enlist `name`column`type`params!(`flat_index;`embeddings;`flat;enlist[`dims]!enlist 384);
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | symbol | Column name | Yes |
type | symbol | Column type using kdb type symbols. Small for atoms and caps for vectors, Example: ‘i' for integer and 'I’ for integer list. | Yes |
Column name rules
- Max length is 128 characters
- Must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore
- Must start with an alpha character
schema: (`name`type!(`id;`i);`name`type!(`isValid;`b);`name`type!(`embeddings;`E);`name`type!(`sparse_col;`)
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | symbol | Index name | Yes |
type | symbol | Index type, for example: Flat, qFlat, HNSW, ivf, ivfpq, qHNSW | Yes |
column | symbol | kdb+ column name to apply index | Yes |
params | dictionary | Index parameters containing index-specific attributes for Flat, qFlat, HNSW, ivf, ivfpq, qHNSW | Yes |
flatIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`flat_index;`embeddings;`flat;enlist[`dims]!enlist 25)
hnswFast: `name`column`type`params!(`hnsw_fast;`embeddings;`hnsw;`dims`M`efConstruction!(25;8;8))
sparseIndex: `name`column`type`params!(`sparse_index;`sparse_column;`bm25;`k`b!(1.25;0.75))
indexes: (flat_index;hnsw_fast;sparse_index)
Index-specific attributes (params
) for type = flat
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
dims | Dimension of vector space | int | Yes | N/A |
metric | Distance metric | symbol | No | `L2 |
Index-specific attributes (params
) for type = qFlat
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
dims | Dimension of vector space | int | Yes | N/A |
metric | Distance metric | symbol | No | `L2 |
Index-specific attributes (params
) for type = hnsw
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
dims | Dimension of vector space | int | Yes | N/A |
M | Graph valency | int | No | 8 |
efConstruction | Search depth at construction | int | No | 8 |
metric | Distance metric | symbol | No | `L2 |
Index-specific attributes (params
) for type = qHnsw
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
dims | Dimension of vector space | int | Yes | N/A |
M | Graph valency | int | No | 8 |
efConstruction | Search depth at construction | int | No | 8 |
metric | Distance metric | symbol | No | `L2 |
mmapLevel | Level of memory mapping. Accepted values: - 0 for both vectors and node connection in memory; - 1 for memory-mapped vectors and in-memory nodes ; - 2 for both vectors and node connections memory mapped. |
int | No | 1 |
Index-specific attributes (params
) for type = ivf
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
nclusters | Number of clusters | long | No | 8 |
metric | Distance metric | symbol | No | `L2 |
Index-specific attributes (params
) for type = ivfpq
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
nclusters | Number of clusters | long | No | 8 |
nbits | Number of bits to quantize | long | No | 8 |
nsplits | Number of vectors to split | long | No | 8 |
metric | Distance metric | symbol | No | `L2 |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
path | string | Path to external table, for instance the existing kdb+ table mounted in our Docker container. | Yes |
provider | symbol | Provider of external table, for example kx . |
Yes |
Launch the KDB.AI Server container with the -v
flag to mount an existing kdb+ DB in the container, for example:
docker run -it --rm -e NUM_WRK=1 \
-e THREADS=16 \
-v $PWD/vecdb/data:/tmp/kx/data/vdb \
-v $PWD/taq/db:/tmp/kx/remote:ro \ <= mount a local ./taq/db under /tmp/kx/remote in the container as read-only
-p 8082:8082 \
gw(`createTable;`database`table`externalDataReferences!(`;`tq;enlist `path`provider!("/tmp/kx/remote";`kx)))
The name of the table (tq
) should match the name of the target table in the external kdb+ database.
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Table is created and returned | success result`error!1b;table_dictionary;" |
N/A |
Fail: Table name is not unique | success result`error!0b;();"Table with given name already exists" |
Specify a different table name as it appears a table with this name already exists. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Use a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Any of the input parameters are of wrong type | success result`error!0b;();"invalid arguments types: " ... |
Provide the correct type of input parameters required. |
Fail: Any of the input parameters are missing | success result`error!0b;();"missing arguments: " ... |
Provide required input parameters. |
Fail: Any of the input parameters are invalid | success result`error!0b;();"invalid arguments: " ... |
Provide known or valid input parameters. |
Fail: Schema individual attributes are not valid | success result`error!0b;();"invalid table attributes: " ... |
Provide valid attributes in the schema. |
Fail: Schema individual types are not valid | success result`error!0b;();"invalid column types: " ... |
Provide valid column types in the schema. |
Fail: Index individual parameters are not valid | success result`error!0b;();"invalid index parameters:" ... |
Double check the parameters of one of the specified indexes. |
Fail: Database does not exist | success result`error!0b;();"Database does not exist" |
Double check the database name. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Retrieve a table from a database with a given name.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database where the table is. | Yes |
table | symbol | Name of the table to be retrieved | Yes |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Get table details
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Table with given name is found | success result`error!(1b;table meta dictionary;"") |
N/A |
Fail; Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Database name is invalid" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Retrieve a list of tables from a database with a given name.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database where the table is. If you don't provide a database name, the default database is used. | Yes |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Get tables details
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Tables found | success resulterror!(1b; database`tables!(dbname;tables name list);"") |
N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Load external/reference table.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database to be loaded. | Yes |
table | symbol | Name of the database to be loaded. | Yes |
`gw set hopen 8082;
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Table is loaded | success |
N/A |
Fail: Table does not exist | error!"table:trade does not exist in database:default" | Table does not exist in database. Try the get table/database endpoint to verify. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Delete a table with a given name and all associated indexes.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database where the table is. | Yes |
table | symbol | Name of the table to be deleted. | Yes |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Get table details
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Table with given name has been deleted | success resulterror!(1b; database`tables!(dbname;tables name list);"") |
N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Retrieve and list indexes.
Retrieve an index from a table.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database where the table is. If not provided, the default database is used. | Yes |
table | symbol | Name of the table where the index to be retrieved is. | Yes |
name | symbol | Name of the index to be retrieved | Yes |
`gw set hopen 8082;
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Index with given name is found and returned | success result`error!1b;dictionary of details;() |
N/A |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Fail: Index name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Index name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the index name. |
Fail: Index with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Index name is not found" |
Double check the supplied value for the index. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
List all indexes for a table.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Name of the database where the table is. If not provided, the default database is used. | No |
table | symbol | Name of the table where the indexes to be retrieved are. | No |
`gw set hopen 8082
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Indexes found and returned | success result`error!1b;dictionary of details;() |
N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Build one or more indexes.
Allows to build and attach indexes to external kdb+ tables.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | The name of the database. If a database name is not provided, the default database is used. | Yes |
table | symbol | The name of the table. | Yes |
indexes | symbol list | List of index names to build. | Yes |
parts | symbol list | Partitions list to build index in case of partition database. If not given, then indexes will be built on all partitions. | Yes |
ref:enlist `path`provider!("/tmp/kx/remote";`kx);
indexes:enlist `name`column`type`params!(`flat_index;`embeddings;`flat;enlist[`dims]!enlist 384);
gw(`updateIndexes;`database`table`indexes!(`default;`SEC;enlist `flat_index))
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Index(es) with given name(s) updated successfully | None | N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Fail: Operation called on a table managed by kdbai | KDBAIException: feature not supported: build index is only allowed on reference database | |
Fail: Index name is not valid | ValueError: Index name is invalid | |
Fail: Index with given name is not found | KDBAIException: index not found: invalid | |
Fail: Update Operation is not valid | ValueError: Update Operation is not valid | |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Insert, query, and search data.
Add rows to a table.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | The name of the database where the table is located. If a database name is not provided, the default database is used. | Yes |
table | symbol | The name of the table where the data will be inserted. | Yes |
payload | table | Data to insert. | No - not required when using external database. |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Insert Data
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success. Data inserted successfully. | {success resultèrrorMsg!(1b; rows_inserted!10;"")}) |
N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Fail: Index name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Index name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the index name. |
Fail: Index with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Index name is not found" |
Double check the supplied value for the index. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Train data.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | The name of the database where the table is located. | Yes |
table | symbol | The name of the table. | Yes |
payload | table | Data to insert. | Yes |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Train
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Index(es) with given name(s) updated successfully | 1b | N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Fail: Index name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Index name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the index name. |
Fail: Index with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Index name is not found" |
Double check the supplied value for the index. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Query data from a table.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | The name of the database where the table you are querying data from is located. | Yes |
table | symbol | The name of the table you are querying data from. | Yes |
filter | list of tuples | List of filter conditions, parse tree style. | No |
sortColumns | list of symbols | The columns by which to sort the results. | No |
groupBy | list of symbols | The column values by which to group the results. | No |
aggs | dictionary | Aggregation rules. Dictionary structure: - Key → new column name - Value → old column name or parse tree style aggregation rule |
No |
limit | integer | Number of rows to return. | No |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Query
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Successful query | table | N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
Perform a similarity search.
Input parameters:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
database | symbol | Database name | Yes |
table | symbol | Table name. | Yes |
type | symbol | Specify the type of search (tss or otherwise). | No |
vectors | dictionary | Indexes to query with query vectors. | Yes |
n | long | Number of neighbors to return. | No |
range | float | Range within which the nearest neighbors are returned. (only for qFlat) | No |
indexParams | dictionary | Weights required for multi index search. | No |
options | dictionary | Use this dictionary: - to rename the distance column with distanceColumn=newname - to not return metadata columns with indexOnly=1b - to return TSS matched patterns with returnMatches=1b - to force a TSS search on a partitioned tables with failing partitions with force=1b |
Yes |
filter | list of tuples | List of filter conditions, parse tree style. | No |
searchBy | symbol atom or list of symbols | (Non Transformed TSS only) Perform a TSS search on each group inferred from the specified columns (not to be confused with groupBy which is used for final aggregation of the results) |
No |
groupBy | list of symbols | The column values by which to group the results. | No |
aggs | dictionary | Aggregation rules. | No |
sortColumns | list of symbols | The columns by which to sort the results. | No |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Query
gw(`search;args:`database`table`vectors`n!(`default;`myTable;enlist[`indexName]!enlist enlist 384?1e;25))
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
distanceColumn | Rename distance column to this. | symbol | No | None |
indexOnly | Return only index information | boolean | No | None |
returnMatches | (Non Transformed TSS only) Return the full detected pattern for each match | boolean | No | None |
force | (Non Transformed TSS only) Force the TSS search even some searchBy group or table partition is failing, ex: when a partition has less data points than the searched pattern | boolean | No | None |
is a dictionary where key is index name and value is a dictionary with the arguments below .
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
weight | Weight for each index. | float | Required for multi index input. | None |
Important! For multi index searches, you have to allocate a weight to each index. The sum of all weights must be equal to 1.
Error handling:
Description | Message | Troubleshooting |
Success: Successful query | list of tables | N/A |
Fail: Database name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
A database with the given name does not appear to exist. Check the specified value. |
Fail: Database with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"database {name} does not exist" |
Check the name of the database you are searching for as it does not seem to exist. |
Fail: Table name is not valid | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is invalid" |
Provide a valid symbol for the table name. |
Fail: Table with given name is not found | success result`error!0b;();"Table name is not found". |
A table with the given name doens't exist. Double check the supplied value. |
Error: KDBAI is not available | Cannot write to handle ... | Check your connection and if your server is running. |
// Open connection
`gw set hopen 8082;
// Query
gw(`search;args:`database`table`vectors`n!(`default;`myTable;enlist[`indexName]!enlist enlist 384?1e;25))
// TSS Search
gw(`search;`database`table`type`vectors`n!(`default;`table;`tss;enlist[`columnToSearch]!enlist enlist 64?1f;10))
gw(`search;`database`table`type`vectors`n`options!(`default;`table;`tss;enlist[`columnToSearch]!enlist enlist 64?1f;10;`returnMatches`force!11b))