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Release Notes - KX Insights Platform 1.2.1

Release for KX Insights Platform.

Release Date



KX Insights Platform 1.2.1 is a security update for vulnerabilities in the included images for Keycloak/PostgreSQL.


type location
Infrastructure kxi-terraform-1.2.0.tgz
Platform insights-1.2.1.tgz
Operator kxi-operator-1.2.0.tgz
CLI kxicli-1.2.0-py3-none-any.whl
ODBC Driver kodbc 1.2.0
Java SDK java-sdk 1.2.0
keycloak-server keycloak-server-0.2.1.tgz

Upgrade notes

Upgrading assemblies

When upgrading Insights, assemblies deployed from the UI in earlier versions will be restarted but will not be automatically upgraded. To upgrade these assemblies, please restart them from the UI post-upgrade.

Version 1.2.1 requires a custom storageClassName definition

The addition of support for packages introduces a new storageClassName defined as sharedfiles, this is defined by default in any deployments of KX Insights Platform that rely on the KX provided Terraform scripts for deployment but must be added manually by a user as outlined here.

Alternatively, within the deployment configuration as outlined here, modify the storageClassName to an alternative supported RWX storage option for example rookcephfs.

Keycloak 18

The version of Keycloak used within Insights 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 has been upgraded from Keycloak 16 to Keycloak 18.

Please follow the Keycloak 18 migration steps to migrate your Keycloak data prior to upgrading Insights from versions older than 1.2.0.

Known Issues

  • If you request too much data in a single getData(), the request will fail. To overcome this issue you should request less data per getData() call. The error message returned will look like the example below
   {"header":{"http":"json","corr":"6dd8f0c5-1895-49c9-a87a-636a834af370","logCorr":"6dd8f0c5-1895-49c9-a87a-636a834af370","client":":","api":".kxi.getData","protocol":"gw","numRP":1,"ogRcID":"","to":"2022-04-07T11:41:35.717000000","retryCount":0,"rc":42,"ac":10,"ai":"Agg died"},"payload":[]}
  • The user-defined variables & functions in the Explore tab are shared across users. (We recommend that you prefix all your variables with characters that are unique to your user.)

  • The Explore tab allows users to execute arbitrary code within the cluster. To lock down the environment, this can be restricted with role based authentication using Keycloak. Restrict the roles relating to insights.scratch.*

  • The Explore tab will not print results to the console for multi-line python code. Results are only printed if there is just one line of python code.

  • On startup of pods, the following error might be observed once roughly after three minutes of a pod starting up no acct for 3x period, exiting. This stems from a temporary startup job not shutting down correctly. It's independent from the main processes and doesn't indicate any application fault.

  • On initial startup of the KX Insights Platform, there may be some noise printed in the logs while the system initialises unable to flush accounting logs. This relates to the capturing of consumption-based license logs and is thrown while all pods get into a running state. It does not indicate any fault in the application and all data should be flushed correctly after a short period.

  • The KX ODBC driver is not currently available for use on Windows, therefore as the Java SDK requires the ODBC driver to be installed, neither SDKs are currently available on Windows.

  • When either the Java SDK or ODBC driver is being used, if Insights Information Service fails to respond to the SDK for at least 1 minute it will deem their own configuration too old and will disconnect and stop publisher into Insights. This can be observed when the control plane is inaccessible (for example during the default GCP maintenance window, 5am UTC, if it hasn’t been disabled). Any application using the SDKs will need to account for this and introduce some restart logic which will trigger the SDK to restart, and force a reconnect attempt by the SDK.

Sample extract from the application log:

2022-05-24 20:30:48.103035      INFO    1       Started replicator to :, pid 41697
2022-05-24 20:31:48.127821      INFO    1       Process 41697 terminated
2022-05-24 20:31:48.128196      INFO    1       Started replicator to :, pid 41714
2022-05-24 20:36:12.700002      INFO    1       Process 41714 terminated
2022-05-24 20:36:12.700467      INFO    1       Started replicator to :, pid 41772
2022-05-25 05:04:50.077286      INFO    0       New configuration fetched
2022-05-25 05:04:50.092259      WARN    0       Config parse error at offset 0: Expected opening bracket
2022-05-25 05:05:50.046686      ERROR   0       Config is too old
2022-05-25 05:05:50.046813      INFO    0       Waiting for the driver to sync the data
  • Setting SM replicas (defining size greater than 1) in assembly YAML will cause writedown/storage and query problems. The size parameter for SM should always be set to 1.
  size: 1
  • Torn-down pipelines that include Insights DB or Insights Stream Writers cannot be directly restarted after having their resources removed. Upon redeploy, data will not be published downstream from the pipeline. A workaround is to rename the pipeline. Resources are removed by checking "Clear Pipeline State" during teardown in the UI, or by directly deleting the Kubernetes PVCs backing the pipeline. If either of these things are done, the pipeline must be renamed before relaunching it.

  • cannot be run in a pipeline to query an Insights database. The following example code can be used as a workaround to query data (ex. reference data to be used within a pipeline).

if[0 <> hdr`ac;
    .sp.log.error ("Query failed host=%s, api=%s, code=%n, error=%s";hdr`gw; hdr`api; hdr`ac; hdr`ai)];
publish data
.qsp.onStart {
    h:hopen hsym `$.spenv.getReleaseName[],"-sg-gateway:5050";
    res: neg[h] (`.kxi.getData; (enlist `table)!(enlist `instruments); `onResponse; ()!());
}[`publish] .qsp.write.toConsole[]
  • Upon upgrade or downgrade, the API Gateway containers may enter a CrashLoopBackOff state. Resources can be reapplied by performing a 'rollback' to the upgraded version. Get the upgraded version by looking at the output from:
helm ls

'Rollback' (re-apply resources) to the upgraded version:

helm rollback <release name> <current revision>
Note that despite the command name, this operation doesn't rollback to the initially installed version. It re-applies resources to the upgraded version.

There are two known issues with the UI logout.

  • After performing a logout action, the user will not be redirected back to the login screen.
  • In the case a user was logged out due to inactivity, a "Logout failed" error might be observed

In both of these cases, the logout has been successful and the user can navigate re-login by navigating back to the main page, i.e. https://${INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME}

Backward Compatibility

Please see the release notes for KX Insights Platform 1.1.0 if you're upgrading from an earlier version, for notes about