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Azure Active Directory integration (optional post deployment step)

You can use your organization's Active Directory to allow your users to log into the KX Insights Platform User Interface with their existing credentials.

The steps below enable Active Directory as an Identity Provider in KX Insights.


In order to successfully install KX Insights on Azure you will need the following:

  1. The Application Administrator role in order to create and manage an App registration for KX Insights.

  2. Access to a Bash shell to run the registration script, with the latest version of Azure CLI installed. You can use Azure Cloud Shell for this:


  3. The Keycloak admin password and URLs of your KX Insights Platform deployment.



  4. KXI Command Line Interface installed.

Create the Azure Active Directory App registration

You will need an Azure App registration. To create an Azure App registration:

  1. Visit your Azure Active Directory page in the Azure portal.

  2. Click on Add > App registration.


  3. Choose a user-facing display name and click Register.


Wait for the App registration to be created.

Create the Azure Active Directory group

If you have existing user groups that are appropriate to link with KX Insights Platform, you can use those. Otherwise, you can create those which are meaningful to your use case.

As an example you can create a separate group for "KX Insights Users" and for "KX Insights Administrators":


Integrating Insights roles and Azure Active Directory groups

Now you need to link KX Insights roles to the Azure Active Directory groups.

You can either use the built-in roles in KX Insights Platform or you can create composite roles and use those to link to your Azure Active Directory group.

  1. Start a command line session (KXI CLI needs to be available)
  2. Create the Identity Provider in Keycloak and link it to the previously created Azure App Registration:

    kxi azure idp add \
    --azure-tenant-id "<tenant id>" \
    --azure-app-registration-name "<app registration name>" \
    --hostname "<Insights URL>" \ # defaults to configured value by kxi configure
    --keycloak-admin-clientid "<Keycloak Admin Client>" \ # defaults to "admin-cli"
    --keycloak-admin-username "<Keycloak Admin username>" \ # can come from env var: KEYCLOAK_USER
    --keycloak-admin-password "<Keycloak Admin password>" \ # can come from env var: KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD
    --keycloak-idp-realm "<Keycloak realm>" \ # defaults to "insights"
    --keycloak-idp-alias "<IdP alias>" \ # defaults to "aad-idp"
    --keycloak-idp-display-name "<IdP display name>" # defaults to "Azure AD"
    Example command:
    kxi azure idp add \
    --azure-tenant-id "<tenant id>" \
    --azure-app-registration-name "KX Insights Keycloak App" \
    --hostname "" \
    --keycloak-admin-username "<Keycloak Admin username>" \
    --keycloak-admin-password "<Keycloak Admin password>"
    To see additional options use:
    kxi azure idp add --help

  3. Link the previously created Identity Provider to an Azure Active Directory group:

    kxi azure idp mapper add \
    --azure-tenant-id "<tenant id>" \
    --azure-ad-group-name "<ad group name>" \
    --hostname "<Insights URL>" \ # defaults to configured value by kxi configure
    --keycloak-admin-clientid "<Keycloak Admin Client>" \ # defaults to "admin-cli"
    --keycloak-admin-username "<Keycloak Admin username>" \ # can come from env var: KEYCLOAK_USER
    --keycloak-admin-password "<Keycloak Admin password>" \ # can come from env var: KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD
    --keycloak-idp-realm "<Keycloak realm>" \ # defaults to "insights"
    --keycloak-idp-alias "<IdP alias>" \ # defaults to "aad-idp"
    --keycloak-idp-mapper-name "<Mapper name>" \ # Custom name 
    --keycloak-idp-mapper-roles "<Mapper roles>" # Comma separated role names
    Example commands:
    kxi azure idp mapper add \
    --azure-tenant-id "<tenant id>" \
    --azure-ad-group-name "KX Insights Users"
    --azure-app-registration-name "KX Insights Keycloak App" \
    --hostname "" \
    --keycloak-admin-username "<Keycloak Admin username>" \
    --keycloak-admin-password "<Keycloak Admin password>" \
    --keycloak-idp-mapper-name "KX Insights Users" \
    --keycloak-idp-mapper-roles "insights.builder.*,insights.license.current.get,insights.monitor.*,insights.pipeline.*,insights.query.*,insights.scratch.*"
    kxi azure idp mapper add \
    --azure-tenant-id "<tenant id>" \
    --azure-ad-group-name "KX Insights Administrators"
    --azure-app-registration-name "KX Insights Keycloak App" \
    --hostname "" \
    --keycloak-admin-username "<Keycloak Admin username>" \
    --keycloak-admin-password "<Keycloak Admin password>" \
    --keycloak-idp-mapper-name "KX Insights Administrators" \
    --keycloak-idp-mapper-roles "insights.client.*,insights.user,insights.monitor.*,insights.license.current.get"
    To see additional options use:
    kxi azure idp mapper add --help

* How to find my tenant id

Test the Integration

Once the integration is complete, follow the steps below to log in to the KX Insights Platform with your Azure Active Directory credentials:

  1. Locate the deployment outputs.
    • Locate the resource group of your deployment in Azure
    • Navigate to the Deployments menu.
    • Click on the bottom deployment
    • Click on Outputs in the left-hand navigation menu. Output
    • Navigate to the insightsUiUrl value in a new browser tab.
  2. Log in using your Azure credentials.


  3. Accept the Permissions requested by the App.

  4. You will be directed to the KX Insights Platform User Interface.


  5. Users that have already logged in using the configured Identity Provider will be present in the Keycloak User menu.
