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Attributes are metadata that you attach to lists of special forms. They are also used on table columns to speed retrieval for some operations. PyKX can make certain optimizations based on the structure of the list implied by the attribute.

Attributes (other than `g#) are descriptive rather than prescriptive. By this we mean that by applying an attribute you are asserting that the list has a special form, which PyKX will check. It does not instruct PyKX to (re)make the list into the special form; that is your job. A list operation that respects the form specified by the attribute leaves the attribute intact (other than `p#), while an operation that breaks the form results in the attribute being removed in the result.

Applying Attributes

Attributes can be applied on the various Vector/List types as well as Tables and KeyedTable's. These attributes can be applied to their supported types by directly calling the sorted, unique, grouped, and parted methods on these objects.

Examples: Applying the sorted attribute to a Vector can be done by calling the sorted method on the Vector.

>>> a = kx.q.til(10)
>>> a
pykx.LongVector(pykx.q('0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'))
>>> a.sorted()
pykx.LongVector(pykx.q('`s#0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'))

Applying the unique attribute to the first column of the table.

>>> a = kx.Table(data = {
...     'a': kx.q.til(5),
...     'b': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
... })
>>> kx.q.meta(a)
c| t f a
-| -----
a| j
b| s
>>> a = a.unique()
>>> kx.q.meta(a)
c| t f a
-| -----
a| j   u
b| s

Applying the grouped attribute to a specified column of a table.

>>> a = kx.Table(data = {
...     'a': kx.q.til(5),
...     'b': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b']
... })
>>> kx.q.meta(a)
c| t f a
-| -----
a| j
b| s
>>> a = a.grouped('b')
>>> kx.q.meta(a)
c| t f a
-| -----
a| j
b| s   g

Applying the parted attribute to multiple columns on a table.

>>> a = kx.Table(data = {
...     'a': kx.q.til(5),
...     'b': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b']
... })
>>> kx.q.meta(a)
c| t f a
-| -----
a| j
b| s
>>> a = a.parted(['a', 'b'])
>>> kx.q.meta(a)
c| t f a
-| -----
a| j   p
b| s   p


The sorted attribute ensures that all items in the Vector / Table column are sorted in ascending order. This attribute will be removed if you append to the list with an item that is not in sorted order.


The unique attribute ensures that all items in the Vector / Table column are unique (there are no duplicated values). This attribute will be removed if you append to the list with an item that is not unique.


The grouped attribute ensures that all items in the Vector / Table column are stored in a different format to help reduce memory usage, it creates a backing dictionary to store the value and indexes that each value has within the list. Unlike other attributes the grouped attribute will be kept on all insert operations to the list.

For example this is how a grouped list would be stored.

// The list
// The backing dictionary
a| 0 3
b| 1 4 5
c| 2 6


The parted attribute is similar to the grouped attribute with the additional requirement that each unique value must be adjacent to its other copies, where the grouped attribute allows them to be dispersed throughout the Vector / Table. When possible the parted attribute will result in a larger performance gain than using the grouped attribute. This attribute will be removed if you append to the list with an item that is not in the parted order.

// Can be parted
// Has to be grouped as the `d symbols are not all contiguous within the vector


When attributes are set on PyKX objects various functions can use these attributes to speed up their execution, by using different algorithms. For example searching through a list without an attribute requires checking every single value, however setting the sorted attribute allows a search algorithm to use a binary search in stead and then only a fraction of the values actually need to be checked.

Examples of some functions that can use attributes to speed up execution.

  • Where clauses in select and exec templates run faster with where =, where in and where within.
  • Searching with bin, distinct, Find and in.
  • Sorting with iasc or idesc.


Setting attributes consumes resources and is likely to improve performance on large lists.