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How do I prevent the 'cores licensing error when I run import pykx?

>>> import pykx as kx
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:228: PyKXWarning: Failed to initialize embedded q; falling back to unlicensed mode, which has limited functionality. Refer to for more information. Captured output from initialization attempt:
    '2022.09.15T10:32:13.419 license error: cores

This error indicates PyKX tried to use more cores than your license allows. You can fix this by limiting the number of cores used by the python process.

  • On Linux you can use taskset to limit the number of cores used by a process:
# Example to limit python to the 4 first cores on a 8 cores CPU
$ taskset -c 0-3 python
  • You can also do this in python before importing PyKX (Linux only):
>>> import os
>>> os.sched_setaffinity(0, [0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> import pykx as kx
>>> kx.q('til 10')
pykx.LongVector(pykx.q('0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'))
  • On Windows you can use the start command with its /affinity argument (see: > help start):
> start /affinity f python

(above, 0xf = 00001111b, so the python process will only use the four cores for which the mask bits are equal to 1)

How does PyKX determine the license that is used?

The following steps are run by PyKX to find the license when you execute import pykx:

  1. Search for kx.lic, kc.lic and k4.lic license files in this order within the following locations:
    1. Current working directory
    2. Location defined by environment variable QLIC if set
    3. Location defined by environment variable QHOME if set
  2. If a license is not found PyKX will use the following environment variables (if they are set) to install and make use of a license:
    1. KDB_LICENSE_B64 containing a base64 encoded version of a kc.lic license
    2. KDB_K4LICENSE_B64 containing a base64 encoded version of a k4.lic license
  3. If a license has not been located you will be guided to install a license following a prompt based license installation.