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Installing Using pip


Python packages should typically be installed in a virtual environment. This can be done with the venv package from the standard library.

Ensure you have a recent version of pip:

pip install --upgrade pip

Then install PyKX with the following command:

pip install --extra-index-url=https://$KX_PYPI_USER:$ pykx

To get access to the installation details for PyKX, please email


Python Dependencies

PyKX depends on the following third-party Python packages:

  • find-libpython~=0.2
  • numpy~=1.20,<1.22
  • pandas~=1.2

They are installed automatically by pip when PyKX is installed.

PyKX also has an optional Python dependency of pyarrow>=3.0.0, which can be included by installing the pyarrow extra, e.g. pip install pykx[pyarrow]


Trying to use the pa conversion methods of pykx.K objects or the pykx.toq.from_arrow method when PyArrow is not installed (or could not be imported without error) will raise a pykx.PyArrowUnavailable exception.

Optional Non-Python Dependencies

Windows Dependencies

To run q or PyKX on Windows, msvcr100.dll must be installed. It is included in the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable.

Supported Environments

KX only officially supports versions of PyKX built by KX, i.e. versions of PyKX installed from wheel files. Support for user-built installations of PyKX (e.g. built from the source distribution) is only provided on a best-effort basis. Currently, PyKX provides wheels for the following environments:

  • Linux (manylinux_2_17_x86_64) with CPython 3.7-3.10
  • macOS (macosx_10_10_x86_64) with CPython 3.7-3.10
  • Windows (win_amd64) with CPython 3.7-3.10