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How to Perform a Transformed Temporal Similarity Search in KDB.AI

This page details how to execute a Transformed TSS search in KDB.AI.

Tip: For the best experience, start by reading about KDB.AI Transformed TSS.

Before we dive in, go to the Understanding Transformed TSS search page to make sure you're familiar with concepts like dimensionality reduction, timeseries windows, and fast moving vectors.


To perform a Transformed TSS search, make sure you have:

1. Define your schema, indexes and Embedding attribute parameters

To use the Transformed TSS method, the column to be searched needs to have vectors (not scalars) in each entry. For general schema setup details see the Manage Tables page.

For indexes, the dims argument is no longer required, as data in any length will be embedded to the size of the embeddings' dimension.

When the table is created, add an extra embedding_configurations for Python (or embeddingConfigurations for q) attribute to your create function.

2. Embedding Configurations

Option Description Type Required Default Allowed values
dims Reduced dimensionality of the data desired int true 8 1,2,3,...
type Embedding method to use str true None 'tsc'
on_insert_error The action to take if there are records that would error on insertion. Either reject the batch or skip the erroneous record string false 'reject_all' 'reject_all', 'skip_row'

A window fails to insert if the dimensionality is already less than the dimensionality specified by dims.

The selection of dims depends largely on the complexity of the data in the window; the more movement in the window, the larger this number should be.

indexes = [ {"name": "myVectorIndex", "type": "flat", 
                "params": {"metric": "L2"},
                "column": "price"}]

embedding_conf = {'price': {"dims": 8, "type": "tsc", "on_insert_error": "reject_all" }}

table_TSC = session.database('default').create_table('tradeTSC', schema, indexes=indexes, embedding_configurations=embedding_conf)
curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/api/v2/databases/default/tables \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{  
"schema": [
    "name": "sym",
    "type": "float"
    "name": "price",
    "type": "floats"
            "type": "flat",
                "metric": "L2"
    "price": {
                "dims": 3, 
                "type": "tsc", 
                "on_insert_error": "reject_all" 
idx:`name`column`type`params!(enlist `myVectorIndex;enlist `price;enlist `flat;enlist (enlist `metric)!(enlist `L2));
ebd:enlist[`price]!enlist (`dims`type`on_insert_error)!(eDims;`tsc;`skip_row);

p:`database`table`schema`indexes`embeddingConfigurations!(`default;`tradeTSC;mySchema;flip idx;ebd);

3. Follow our index recommendations

Transformed TSS produces the best results using HNSW, IVF, and FLAT indexes. The added layer of product quantisation used in IVFPQ severely impacts the quality of the results returned.

Example: Transformed TSS search
# In this example we generate dummy market data using PyKX, create an index using the TSC feature exposed by KDB.AI,
# and search for a pattern of interest in the data

# Imports

# KX Dependencies
import pykx as kx
import kdbai_client as kdbai

# Other Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
from matplotlib.text import Text
from tqdm import tqdm

import psutil

# Ignore Warnings
import warnings

# Report memory usage of Python + KDB.AI

def get_memory_usage():
    virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
    return virtual_memory.used / (1024 ** 2)  # Memory usage in megabytes

# Generate Dummy Data

D = 10 # Sliding Window Size
kx.q['D'] = D
kx.q('\S 100')
gen_marketTrades: { [num;ticker]
    :marketTrades:: update price:{max(abs -0.5 + x + y;5.0)}\[first price; count[i]?1.0] from 
                        `time xasc ([] time:(.z.d-30)+num?15D00:00:00; 
df1 = kx.q('gen_marketTrades[500;`AAA]').pd() # Create records for AAA
df2 = kx.q('gen_marketTrades[500;`BBB]').pd() # Create records for BBB
# Concatenate the DataFrames
df = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)

print(f"System Memory Usage: {get_memory_usage():.2f} MB")

# Method 1: Only Windowing - This method is shown as a point of comparison for the TSC method

# Vector Construction

# Create the vector column
vecdf = df.groupby(['sym']).apply(
    lambda x: pd.DataFrame({
        'sym': x['sym'].iloc[0],
        'time': sliding_window_view(x['time'], D)[:, 0],  # Adjusted to keep the last time in the window
        'price': list(sliding_window_view(x['price'], D))

print(f"System Memory Usage: {get_memory_usage():.2f} MB")

# Index Construction
session = kdbai.Session()


schema = [
            {"name": "index", "type": "int64"},
            {"name": "sym", "type": "str"},
            {"name": "time", "type": "datetime64[ns]"},
            {"name": "price", "type": "float32s"},

indexes = [ {"name": "myVectorIndex", "type": "flat", 
                "params": {"metric": "L2"},
                "column": "price"}]

embedding_conf = {'price': {"dims": 8, "type": "tsc", "on_insert_error": "reject_all" }}

table_TSC = session.database('default').create_table('tradeTSC', schema, indexes=indexes, embedding_configurations=embedding_conf)

# Index Population

# Search

# We take the hundredth vector and use that as our search vector
q = vecdf['price'][100].tolist()

res ={'myVectorIndex': [q]}, n=10)[0]

print(f"System Memory Usage: {get_memory_usage():.2f} MB")
`gw set hopen 8082;
mySchema:flip `name`type!(`id`myDate`time`tag`price`text;`j`d`p`s`F`C);
idx:`name`column`type`params!(enlist `myVectorIndex;enlist `price;enlist `flat;enlist (enlist `metric)!(enlist `L2));
ebd:enlist[`price]!enlist (`dims`type`on_insert_error)!(eDims;`tsc;`skip_row);

// create
p:`database`table`schema`indexes`embeddingConfigurations!(`default;`tradeTSC;mySchema;flip idx;ebd);

// insert
t:([] id:til N; myDate:2015.01.01 + asc N?100j; time:asc N?0p; tag:N?`3; price:(eDims + N?10j)?\:1f; text:{rand[16]?" "} each til N);
count each t[`price]; // Note that price have various lengths

// search
q:sums neg[0.5]+50?1f;
tqry:enlist[`myVectorIndex]!enlist enlist q;
first rS[`result];

Next steps

Now that you're familiar with how to perform a Transformed TSS search, move on to the following: