Install PyKX using pip
pip install --extra-index-url=https://$KX_PYPI_USER:$KX_PYPI_PASS@nexus.dl.kx.com/repository/pykx/simple/ pykx
PyKX only supports Python versions 3.7 to 3.10.
Then if you have a q license, run q embedded within Python:
$ python
>>> import pykx as kx
>>> kx.q.show('Hello PyKX')
`Hello PyKX
>>> kx.q('10 {x,sum -2#x}/ 1 1') # Run q code within Python
pykx.LongVector(pykx.q('1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144'))
To run PyKX without a license, refer to the modes of operation documentation.
For more installation details, refer to the installation documentation.
For any inquires or feedback regarding PyKX, please contact pykx@kx.com
PyKX is an interface between Python and q. It takes a Python-first approach to this integration. This is to say it takes the stance that q should be used primarily as a data processing engine and database, and q should be used primarily as a domain-specific language (DSL) embedded within Python, which is a more general-purpose.
This is not to say that the interface is limiting to developers familiar to q. Expert users of q using this interface are capable of running the same analyses they would normally run within a q process using PyKX. If a user so chooses, they can simply run q code through PyKX. However, through PyKX, Python developers who have no experience with q can access and leverage q through a Pythonic interface.
As explained in the modes of operation documentation, the interface provides two key modalities:
- It operates as a truly embedded version of q within Python; a q license is required.
- It provides an IPC interface allowing users to query q data on external q processes; no q license is required.
See Comparisons for comparisons between PyKX and other Python/q integration options.
The Interface Overview is a Python notebook that demonstrates some key features of the interface.