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Environment variables

Outside of the environment variables defined in the config.profile/config.bat, the following environment variables can be optionally set to customize Developer behaviour.

Env var Default Description
DEVELOPER_UPLOAD_WARNING_MSG "" A confirmation message to display to users when uploading files
DEVELOPER_DEFAULT_REF main Default Git ref set when creating new repositories
DEVELOPER_EDITOR_DISPLAY_ON_EXECUTE no If set, display results on Ctrl+E
DEVELOPER_REMOTE_MAX_RECORDS 100000 Max records returned when executing statements in remote-attached editors
DEVELOPER_LOCALREPO_PORT 0w Port used by the local repository child process
AXFS_ALLOW_LIST unset Comma-separated list of explicit directories to allow access to within the File Browser
AXFS_DENY_LIST unset Comma-separated list of explicit directories to deny access to within the File Browser


Startup message

The startup message can be changed by adding a directory to <install>/plugins/.

In the directory, include a plugin manifest file named plugin.json:

    "id"      : "startup-message",
    "version" : "1.0.0",
    "q"       : { "file": "startup.q" }

And a file to run (startup.q) after loading Developer: {[opts]
    -1 "Welcome to KX Developer";

The options provided to the function include the webserver docroot and the product banner:

docroot| "/ax"
banner | "[analyst] "

Key bindings

Key bindings can be remapped by opening the Keyboard Reference dialog from the Help menu. Any keyboard shortcuts recognized by the components open on the current page will be shown. Those that can be modified will appear as text fields. To change a hotkey, click a text field, and press the new key combination.

To restore a single hotkey to its default value, click the "x" beside it. To restore all hotkeys currently shown in the dialog, press "Restore Defaults".

Any changes will not apply to pages already open. These must be refreshed to use the new keybindings.

A key binding can be cleared by pressing backspace (Windows or Linux) or delete (Mac).